Chapter 1: Reunion

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The Revolution

Chapter 1: Reunion

There is nothing but darkness as the rope chaffs against my bound wrists, and ankles which are tied against the front legs of the uncomfortable, rigid wooden chair, "Is the blindfold really necessary?" I ask after the door creaks open, and heavy footsteps follow.

He pauses when he reaches my chair and I feel his fingers lingering as they untie the knot at the back of my head before they run through my straight dark hair, "You know what Jeremy is like," he whispers in my ear as the blindfold falls to the ground, and I feel his lips brush against my skin. It's far too comforting for my liking especially since the man I once knew and loved is now gone.

"Unfortunately," I reply.

My vision is blurry at first but clears within a few seconds and I gather I'm in his pretentious-looking office. There's a large marble fireplace directly behind his chair, two lanterns on either side of his desk along with ancient-looking books sitting near the edge of the table between two glass lion bookends. His Monroe Republic flags are sitting on gold poles on either side of his desk; navy blue and white with the letter M sitting in a connecting circle.

Bass hasn't changed at all, well apart from the five o'clock shadow and the new navy blue uniform. The jacket extends past his waist with a black belt tight around his torso. Wait . . . are those knee high lace up boots? Wow just wow.

He chuckles before he sits behind his varnished desk and leans back in his cushioned chair, "I'm glad you haven't changed."

"Why am I here Monroe are you really that lonely? I mean shouldn't I be tied to a bed and not a chair?" I let my seductive smirk surface. It has been over four years since I've seen Monroe, and that small fire of warmth he once carried in his chest has now been completely distinguished. His stare is cold and chills me to the bone.

Monroe smirks although it's not the same, "I need information."

"About?" I ask.

"Where's your brother?" Monroe's smirk disappears.

"Which one?" I ask.

Even though it is still the same blue eyes looking at me, the same smile and dark blonde curls sitting neatly on his head, it's like he's been replaced with a double- an evil twin. I knew Bass was heading to a dark place, but I didn't think he'd end up completely recognizable in the end.

"You know which one," his cold stare is boring into my brown eyes. I'd figured Miles had left the Militia after I was blindfolded and dragged here against my will by Jeremy. I was two weeks into my journey in the Monroe Republic when I ran into Jeremy and his unit of twenty men and their guns. Jeremy, a Monroe Militia Captain and one of Bass's oldest friends recognised me instantly. I fought back knowing Jeremy wanted me alive but the odds were definitely against me.

I hate losing.

"You genuinely look surprised, I'm impressed," Bass's smirk resurfaces for just a second and it almost has some warmth and humanity behind it . . . almost.

"I don't know where Miles is," I shrug simply.

Monroe sighs, "Don't lie to me, Adrianna."

He hasn't called me Adrianna in a very long time, it makes me sad and happy all at once with the distance, it's putting between us.

"I'm not lying. Now, how about you untie me and we catch up on old times the fun way, and you can be the one tied up?" It's unnerving how natural and sincere I sound. It doesn't help that it only seems like yesterday I'd been sneaking around with Bass behind my brother's back.

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