Chapter 3: Conflicted

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The Revolution


The Revolution

Chapter 3: Conflicted

The morning light is enough to wake me out of a dead sleep and I hear Bass stir beside me as I shift in his arms. It's almost heartbreaking how innocent Bass looks while he sleeps with his dark blonde hair sitting messily on top of his head; at least his bed head hasn't change at all. He looks peaceful and for just a second I forget that he's keeping me here against my will and that he's completely changed; basically a stranger. All I want to do is run my fingers through his hair and over his smooth skin before giving him a good morning kiss just like the old days but I fight my instincts.

Now is my chance. His jacket is on the floor. All I need to do is be quiet and get the keys and fight my way out of here. As Bass mentioned; he trained me along with Miles and I know how his soldiers are trained to think in combat.

I can take them.

I stare at Bass's sleeping face. It's hard to push away the emotions bombarding me and the memories. Bass is still in there which means there's a chance I can bring him back. Of course he doesn't deserve it. Maybe I have Stockholm syndrome.

My time is running out; if I'm going to fight my way out or die trying, than I need to do it now.

Right now! I will my body to move.

Come on! I try again but not even a muscle twitches in response as I sigh out loud in frustration and lie back down; moving my dark hair off of my shoulders. Even after a night's sleep I'm still a brain dead moron. If I can just get through to Bass, maybe I can keep my family safe and get back the old Bass I fell in love with.

"Good morning," I hear Bass stir again but I don't reply. Instead I sit up in bed and walk over to the window; pulling back the sheer curtain cover. His soldiers are scattered all over the place which was once luxury apartments; some are at the bar, others are walking around on patrol and I can't help but notice the numbers look rather small. I'm guessing they are all scattered around the place working at different outposts and fighting the rebels.

Why did my family have to put themselves in the middle of a war?

"Are you honestly going to keep me locked in this room forever?" I ask.

"It doesn't have to be like that," Bass replies, and I can feel his blue eyes watching me intently.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you living her again."

Living here?

Is he serious right now?


"You were happy here with me once," I hear the ground creak as he stands to his feet. First he locks me up and then wants me to stay and live here freely? And I thought I'm the one messed up.

"So you drugged me and locked me in here because you want me to stay? Did you ever think about just . . . I dunno asking?!" I turn on my heels to see Bass standing just a few feet behind me; sneaky bastard.

"You would have said no," Bass was distancing himself already.

Well duh, "Are you listening to yourself right now?"

"Miles betrayed me--"

"That doesn't mean I'm going to betray you."

"Yes you will; if you find them you, you'll join the rebels too and I won't lose you again," Bass takes a step forward and I take a step back.

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