Louis birthday

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*Ok so its Louis birthday and they are on tour. The guys have organized for his family to surprise him while on stage*

"Baby be with me so happily" Harry sang the last words of the song and the crowd cheered louder.

"HOW IS EVERYONE GOING? ARE YOU HAVING A GOOD NIGHT?" Louis yelled and the audience screamed louder.

"Are you having fun Louis?" Niall asked

"Yeah it being your birthday and all?" Zayn said.

"Yeah its great i just wish i could spend it with my family" he pretended to cry on Liams shoulder.

"Aw there, there Louis you will see them soon i promise" he said patting his head.

"What are you talking about we're your family?" Harry said pretending to sound hurt.

"Yeah i know that you silly billy don't be stupid" Louis said sounding like a girl.

"Gee thanks for insulting me" Harry said rolling his eyes and laughing. Suddenly in Middle of all this two little girls ran on stage followed by Ashton and Michael, who were chasing them. Well that made the audience go even wilder, which caused everyone to turn around only Liam's eyes widened and he quickly zipped Louis head away so he couldn't see.

"Whats going on? Liam let go!" Louis said trying to pry his hands away from his face.

"No uh Zayn threw up" Liam said shaking his head not sure what to say. Zayn gave Laim a 'what the hell' look and he simply shrugged.

"So? Liam what the hell? let go! what are you doing?"

"Hang on! trust me mate you don't want to see this" then Zayn started making puking sounds.

"Is he ok? Liam let go, we need to help him"

"No he's got help, i'll just keep you away from him in case you get sick"

Well while Liam tried to distract Louis at the front of the stage, a big commotion was happening at the back. Ashton and Michael were trying to catch Daisy and Phoebe while Calum and Luke held out a funny hat for them to wear but they refused to so they ran away. Zayn was pretending to puke and Niall was pretending to help him, Harry was helping Louis other sisters get into position and straighten the little hats on Ernest and Doris who were in the arms of Charlotte and Georgia.

Suddenly Niall reached out and grabbed Daisy as she ran past him.

"Got ya!!" he suddenly yelled with out thinking and he clamped a hand to his mouth as she giggled.

"Got who? did someone giggle?" Louis asked

"Oh uh Niall managed to..... get a bucket...... and catch the vomit" Liam said

"Righttt.... you know Liam i don't believe you one bit"

"I'm being serious"

"Sure you are! whats really going on?"

"Zayn is seriously vomiting! arn't you Zayn!" well Zayn shook his head but Liam nodded and gestured to keep going anyway, so he did looking weird-ed out.

Niall was holding Daisy when Ashton caught Phoebe but she was wriggling around to much and he almost dropped her.

"Jeez hold still, your worse then my little brother Harry" Ashton suddenly said.

"Ashton! is that you! oh wait i've figured it out 5sos boys are on stage! hey how are you doing fellas" Louis yelled well no one said anything and the boys were all pointing at each other and arguing in silently, hands going everywhere.

"Hey has anyone else noticed that the audience has gone silent?" Harry suddenly said gesturing for them to hurry up.. but as soon as he said that they all laughed and started yelling again.

"How weird was that?" Niall said as Luke put the hat on daisy who took it off again but he pleaded with her, using his big blue eyes and said in her ear, "Please do it for Louis, you can have ice-cream if you do it" and she smiled excitedly said, "with strawberry topping?"

"Yeah sure" he said and put the hat on her. Luke did the same to Phoebe who was trying to get out of Ashton's arms. He was shocked when she stopped and put the hat on.

"How did you do that?" he mouthed to him, Luke tapped his nose and smirked. Calum then went up behind to Liam and whispered in his ear that they were ready, he looked at Luke and smiled.

"Ok Louis since its your birthday we have a surprise for you! and u know that Zayn isn't really vomiting, that was only a distraction and yes the 5sos boys are really on stage, so i'll let you discover for yourself What's really going on" Liam said and let go of Louis face.

"Finally!! man you take longer then Charlotte getting ready in the morning, and she takes for ever" Louis said as he turned around.

"HEY!!" Charlotte exclaimed. Louis stood there shocked, then turned to Liam, "OK yeah i didn't see that coming"

"LOUIS!!!" his sisters cried and ran to him engulfing him in a hug.

"Hey girls! aw i missed you guys heaps!" he said crying a little. Suddenly little Ernest started crying in Charlotte's arms.

"Aw Charlotte why are you making him cry?" Louis said taking him out of her arms.

"I didn't" she argued back

"Im just joking calm down" he said bumping his elbow to her arm, she smiled back.

"Ernest!" he cooed lifting him to eye level.

"Don't cry" he continued and brought him to his arms again and rested his little head on Louis shoulder and started patting his back.

"Guys" Harry said to the audience, who were screaming, "Can you please try and be a little more quiet" and the noise level went down.

"Well at least they will get used to the this kind of noise at young age" Niall said

They started mucking around on stage with the girls and playing with Ernest and Doris. Louis being crazy and causing Charlotte and Georgia to cringing at some of the things he/they all did.

"Louis stop" or "Louis put Doris down" OR "Louis NO don't give him to the audience"

"How do you do this everyday?" Georgia asked

"Yeah how do you live with him? because we find it hard?" Charlotte asked

"You get used to it" Zayn said laughing at their reactions.

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