Period cramps with Calum

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Its your time of the month and you currently had really bad cramps. You were sitting on Calum's bed in the tour bus with your bum in the air clutching your stomach. The boys were out for the day and you were waiting for them to come back. You didn't want to go because of obvious reasons and they respected that. 

The tapping of feet and the sound of people talking and laughing suddenly filled the air. You groaned and put a pillow on your head to block out the sound and smell of four sweaty guys.

"I'm having the first shower!" Luke yelled

"No you go last you make a mess!" Michael complained

"But i called it" Luke argued back. Suddenly there was grunting and the sound of pushing and shoving. They were obviously fighting for the shower, only when they got to the back of the bus where you were they stopped.

"Oh!" they said. You didn't remove the pillow, you couldn't be bothered.

"Y/N you ok?" Michael asked lifting the pillow to see your face.

"NOOO!" you yelled and snatched the pillow back to your face making them jump back with a squeal. 

"I guess not" Michael said

"Calum y/n is being moody" Luke said.

"Luke you have 10 seconds to run" you gritted your teeth.

"GO GO GO!" Michael yelled and they both disappeared in seconds. 

"Y/N?" Calum's quiet voice said beside you. He was being careful, afraid of what you might do if he pushed you to far. 

"Careful Cal. Don't bite off more then you can chew" Ashton warned walking up behind him.

"Y/N are you ok?" Calum asked again lifting the pillow and peaking under it. Ashton grabbed the back of Calum's shirt just in case, for protection. 

"NO CLEARLY NOT!" You yell at them. Ashton pulled Calum back into his arms so fast they tumbled backwards breathing heavily, scared and shocked.

"Whoa!" they said eyes wide. 

"Nice one!" Michael called out from the games room. Luke clearly won. 

"Its like talking to someone holding a time bomb. Make one wrong move and boom we're history!" Ashton whispered in Calum's ear, who rolled his eyes.

"Ok just back away slowly and maybe she won't notice us" Ashton said pulling Calum with him.

"Pfft she's not that stupid. People living in China can hear you" Michael said

"Your not helping Einstein" Ashton retorted back  

"Wait i have an idea" Calum said finally and left the bus.

After a life time you heard Calum arive back but he didn't go over to you and you still had really bad cramps. It was annoying you that it wasn't going away. You had already scared the guys and they were locked in the games room, afraid to come out after the racket they made when Luke came out of the bathroom and Michael told him off for making such a mess, then Ashton told them both off for making to much noise and disturbing you, so you lost it and now their to afraid to come out of the games room. 

"Guys i need your help" Calum called out. 

"What's wrong" Ashton asked

"Just come out side i need your help" he replied and you groaned out loud.

"We can't" Luke called out.

"What? Why?"

"Were locked in the games room" Luke replied back.

"Shut up guys!" you yell out and you could hear them quivering behind the door. 

"Guys this will help y/n i just need your help" Calum said

"Ugh fine i'll go you chickens" Michael said opening the door and sneaking past you but still watching you in case you flipped your shit. You heard them both talking before you could feel and smell Calum's presence next to you.

"Y/N?" he whispered poking your bum that was still in the air. When you didn't reply he did it again, this time you muttered a 'What?' but with less anger as your emotions were all over the place and the pain started to get hold of you and the tears started to dampen the pillow.

"Y/N i have a surprise for you" he said excited and started tapping your bum like Bongo drums.

"Stop it Calum!" your voice cracked and he stopped when he realised you were crying.

"Y/N hey its ok" he said bending down to your level and removing the pillow from your face, wiping your tears away. 

"It really hurts Cal" you trembled closing your eyes. Suddenly you felt his arms sneak under you and lift you from the bed.


"I have a surprise for you waiting in the lounge room" he explained kissing your head. 

"Cal i'm really not in the mood for a surprise right now" you groaned as sat down on the lounge with you still in his arms.

"Trust me y/n you will like this one" he said gently kissing you and rubbing your stomach to help ease the pain.

"Is that it?" you ask and he chuckled shaking his head.

"No. Michael you can come in now"

"Oh thank goodness he wouldn't sit still. I was afraid he might pee on me" he said walking on the bus. You turn your head and see Michael holding a puppy, you didn't know which type, not that you cared all you wanted to do was play with the puppy.

"Don't get to attached we have to give him back" Calum muttered against your neck.

"To late" you say as Michael hands the puppy over to you.

"Boys you can come out, Calum has deactivated the bomb!" Michael called out. 

"Aww a puppy!" Ashton and Luke yelled racing over. You secretly didn't want them to touch it but you let it go as if the pain was never there. 

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