Unexpected prank call with Harry styles!

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*So its your 18th birthday and your friends decide that you have to prank call someone*

"Go on y/n do it, just type in random numbers and when they answer hang up"

"This is so gay guys!" and they gave you that look.

"Ugh fine" so you close your eyes and type in random numbers.

"Don't peak" they said

"I'm not. Have i got enough numbers?"

"Um? wait i'll count?"

"Yeah" so you call the person. you wait and wait and you did some more waiting.

"They aren't going to answer i'll try again" you say but you hear something on the other end of the phone.

"Wait someones there"

"Hello?" a guy answers. you were about to hang up when you friends stop you.

"Talk to him" they mouthed.

"Hello? is anyone there?" he said again.

"Yeah hi" you say biting you lip.

"Who is this?"

"You first"

"It's Harry"


"You should know your the one who called me?"

"Well actually i didn't, i closed my eyes" you tell him

"You closed you eyes?"

"Yeah its my 18th birthday, my friends dared me to prank call someone with my eyes closed"

"Well aren't you lucky. And happy birthday"


"Do you know who i am?"

"Um no? should i?" well he laughed. Wait i swear i've heard that laugh before.

"You don't recognise my voice?" he says chuckling. Now that he's said that his voice does sound familiar, British?

"No not really?"

"It's Harry, Harry styles" well at this i burst out laughing.

"Pfft yeah right buddy, and i'm Beyonce. um i think your a little confused. Have you been drinking?" your friends tap you shoulder with wide eyes. They mouth, y/n i think that really is him.

"I'm serious love. look i'll even send you a picture."

"Righ because there's no such thing as copy and paste"

"Ask me something about Harry styles then?" your friends started mouthing off things but you ignore them.

"Um How many tattoo's does he have?"


"Lucky guess"

"Ask another"

"Um what was the first song he knew all the words to?"

"The girl of my best friend" and you could practically see the smirk on his face

"I'm still not 100% convinced"

"Ok well how about in the next interview i have, which is live on the tv on wednesday, channle 9, i'll talk about you, what's you name?"


"Ok well y/n i have to go but look out for an interview where i completely prove you wrong" and with that he hung up.

"Ok well bye then" you say sarcastically to no-one cause he was gone.

"Y/n that was him, OMG...." and yeah so that was the rest of that night, your friends fan-girling about how he called you but you weren't so convinced, you were waiting for that interview. And of course you saved his number in your phone, just incase. 

When Wednesday came around you were waiting for that interview like a mad woman.

"And now we talk to the biggest heart throb of them all, Harry styles" the lady on the tv said.

"So Harry has anything interesting happened to you lately?" 

"Yes actually some random chick called me on Saturday, it was her 18th birthday and her friends dared her to call someone and it was me"

"Oh really!? how did she get your number?"

"Apparently she dialed with her eyes closed?"

"Oh really. Wow how lucky is she. Did she know it was you?"

"No she didn't and after every question she asked me she still didn't believe me, so i just want to prove her wrong. Y/n that really was me, believe me now?"  he said looking in the camera.

You sat there with your mouth wide open, unable to comprehend what you were hearing. 

"Actually can i call her?" he suddenly asked

"Yeah sure"

And suddenly your phone started ringing. Holy shit!!

"Hello" you say trying not to sound shocked.

"Y/n are you watching the interview?"


"So do you believe me now?"

"Yes" you were so amazed that you forgot how to speak. He started laughing.

"See i told you i wasn't lying."

"I'm sorry" he started laughing again

"No, no don't apologies, its ok, hey i'll talk to you later yeah?"

"Yeah ok bye"

Holy crapa-molly!! All i did was do a prank call, and now i've got Harry Styles number!!

Well that totally wasn't unexpected!! nope, definatly not!

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