Harry Irwin's escape

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They're all at the airport, surrounded by fans, taking pictures, saying goodbye to their families ect....

However, no-one noticed little Harry crying, some of the fans did but they said nothing. He thought that no-one could see him, so he slipped away and ran back to the car, slid down against it and cried.

"Alright we have to go guys i'm sorry" Ashton said

"But it was lovely to meet you all" Michael said. They all turned to their families to give them one last hug goodbye when Lauren, Ashton's sister, started looking around for Harry.

"Harry?" she called out amongst all the noise. But when he didn't reply or show himself she started freaking out.

"Harry where are you?" she then started pushing through the crowds trying to find him, no-one was paying attention to her. 

Until she pushed past Calum.

"Whoa Lauren whats wrong?" he asked grabbed her biscep.

"I can't find Harry" she said worried.

"Whats do you mean he's right here-" only when he pointed to the spot, where Harry was, there was no-one there.

"He- he was there, like 5 mintes ago? where-"

"Harry!!" Lauren yelled, everyone looked at her.

"What's wrong? why are you yelling?" Luke asked, but she ignored him and turned to Ashton.

"Ash i can't find Harry, he's gone, he's not here anymore"


"Look around Ash, he's not here" ashton started looking around, then looked at his mum, who shrugged worried.

"Where could have he gone?" His mum asked looking around.

"He was crying" a fan said

"What was that?" Michael asked

"He was crying before" she repeated.

"Crying!" Ashton said shocked

Suddenly their plane was anounced over the speakers.

"Were going to miss our plane if we don't leave now" Calum said

"But where is Harry?" Ashton said

"He probably went to the toilet" a fan suggested

"But i want to say goodbye" Ashton said.

"I'll call him" Anne-marie said (his mum). 

"He's not answering." She said shaking.

"It's ok i'll check if he's in the bathroom" Luke said running away.

"What if he's been kidnapped? or hurt? or-"

"Mum stop it we will find him" Ashton said bringing her into his arms. Luke ran back shaking his head.

"He wasn't there"

"Damit Harry where are you?" Lauren asked annoyed

There was another announcement about their plane.

"We really have to go" Michael said

"Look you guys go, i'll get another plane, i'm finding Harry either way" Ashton said and ran of. The others looked at each other.

"I'll go and tell them that you will get the next one" Calum's mum said and walked away.

"Okay everyone split up and find him, this is getting serious" Liz said. About half an hour later they still couldn't find him, so they met up again to try another tactic. 

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