Chapter 2

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I woke up around 4:30 pm, as the clock said in my study table. I grab my towel and take some bath, after that I changed into my loose shirt and pajamas, and headed to the kitchen where my aunt is.

"Oh, your awake, did you sleep well?" my aunt asked as she take out a lasagna in the oven.

"I thought we are going to a banquet? Why is that you cooked the lasagna?"

"Oh this? This is for your Uncle, we will carry it along the way, the Police Headquarters is near the street where my friend's house resides."

I nodded in agreement, after that she ordered me to dress formally.

I walked to my room, and opened my closet, I searched for the black skinny jeans and a black blouse, and I wear my black ankle boots, also I put some white coat to make it look formal, and some black rose pin. As I wear them I face my dresser near the bed. I blow dry my hair, and curled them a little and I put some light make up, to make my look complete. I put my smart phone in my coat inside pocket and I grab the car key in the study table.

I walked out of my room and I saw my aunt all dressed up, in her white formal dress, and some red shawl, and to my surprise her pouch is glistening in silver color, and carrying the paper bag of lasagna, and a black hand bag, to my guest my Uncle's clothes.

"Why aren't you in your dress, young woman?" she said all grumpy again.

"Aunt, you know I hate wearing skirt and dresses." I complained. And she just smiled at me, and we walked out of the house to my car.

"Anyway do you have your license?" she asked

"Local and International." I boast

I started the engine and drive to my uncle's office to deliver his food and clothes, such a workaholic old man. Maybe that's why they don't have a child. Poor Uncle Takashi.

Later, we stopped on a building which I presume the Police Headquarters.

As we stepped inside the lobby, the people around lay their eyes on us, and suddenly a young gentleman around 27-years-old walked around the hall with some files in his hand, and suddenly.

"Inspector" my aunt called and he walked towards us.

"Mrs. Mellvore, good evening ma'am" he said politely.

"Is your sir here?" she asked.

"Oh he is in his office ma'am" he replied as his eyes landed on me.

"Oh, this is my niece, Olivia Mellvore, dear this is Inspector Renz Otoya."

"Pleased to meet you Ms. Mellvore." He sounded a little flirt, on my point of view.

"Pleasure is mine, Inspector Otoya." I said and my aunt warned him.

"Be careful there, Inspector, this young lady here is still a high school student" she alleged and she let out a chuckle, makes me grin for a second there.

We headed to my Uncle's Office and as we opened it, my aunt and I saw a very busy, and worn out Uncle Takashi as he studies some pictures in the large cork board. I even noticed his colleagues are there sitting in an oval table reading some files placed messy in the said table.

"Looking busy, aren't we?" my aunt said, and suddenly all of them shot glances on us, as they didn't notice us as we enter.

"Rebeca." He said as he saw my Aunt and his crinkled faced turn into a smile, as he saw me with my aunt. "Livie"

"Hey, there uncle" and he walk toward us and he gave me a hug,

"Good evening Mrs. Mellvore" his colleagues greeted, as they stand on where they sit, we walked towards them, and my aunt placed the paper bag that has two large containers of lasagna.

"Here is your dinner, you guys are always busy and I guess you guys didn't take your lunch."

"Thank you, Mrs. Mellvore, just right in time I'm hungry" a skinny looking man said, and all of them laughed on what he said.

"Oh by the way, this is my niece Olivia Mellvore." My uncle introduced me to his team.

"This is Police Officer Akashi Seiko" he pointed at the skinny man earlier, he has a mop like curly hair and a squint brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Mellvore" he greeted and I nodded in return.

"Chief Inspector Satori Tadashi, and a friend of mine." this time, he pointed at an old man like my uncle. But their difference is the Chief Inspector has an elongated scar on his right eye, but he read as a nice old man like uncle.

"This is Deputy Inspector Hatori Hyuga" my uncle continued. The Deputy Inspector was an opposite of these two large old men in front of me. He has a height of 5'8" for a male, skinny just like the Police Officer, but I must say he does look like a smart man.

"At your service ma'am" he introduced, and I just replied him a smile and nod.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Police Detective Yahiro Kagami and the Detective Inspector Yoshiro Kizami"

I saw these two young gentlemen in their 30. The former has a baby-face look and the latter was matured and smart looking young man. But what I hate to these two, they are both look like a roman god. Why does every time I meet a guy they always look like this?

I gave them a polite nod and the two give an awkward-shy type look.

"Ah, by the way dear, here is your clothes, we have to go. Good luck with your case" my aunt bid my uncle goodbye and so is his colleagues.

As we walk to the car that is parked outside, my aunt suddenly talked.

"So, who do you think is more handsome?" my aunt teased

"Aunt Rebeca!?"

"What? It isn't like you disagree with me?"

"I have met many guys like them in my life, and everyone is the same. So, if you asked me that question, it will fall to a deaf."

And Ileave my aunt hanging as she didn't expected my answer to be like that.

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