Fatal Fare

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This legend will probably only scare you a bit if you're a taxi driver, or if you just happen to frequently drive late at night. But either way, it's pretty peculiar. It is a story called "Fatal Fare".

The story starts off with a taxi driver making his way along a road at night. It is said that a person suddenly appears from the darkness and hails the taxi. The person sits in the back of the car and asks to be taken to a place the driver has never heard of. 

Even though the driver is hesitant, the passenger assures him that he'll be able to get there with the help of directions, and offers a bit more money. The driver agrees, but little does he know that the passenger isn't a typical person.

The passenger gives the driver confusing and complex directions which leads them down streets and alleys, through many towns, and even in some instances all the way from the city to the countryside. Basically, the passenger says very odd things such as "Take 5 lefts, two rights, and then drive straight until you see a sign. Once you've done that I'll tell you what to do next." After the driver finished doing that, the passenger just says almost the same exact thing he just said a bit ago.

After a while, the driver gets a bit uneasy, because so much time has passed and they've been going in circles. The driver turns around to ask the person where they are supposed to be dropped off at again but is shocked to find that the passenger has completely vanished.

The taxi driver turns back to the steering wheel, only to drive off the edge of a cliff and die.

Some people say that the same thing can happen to a friendly driver that picks up a hitchhiker. So if you ever see a sketchy hitchhiker that gives you a bunch of weird directions and wants you to drive them there, just don't. Go home and get some rest. I wouldn't even let a sketchy hitchhiker enter my car- they can be very unpredictable.

Also, nobody really knows what the "passenger" looks like. Some people claim that they are a beautiful female meant to deceive the drivers into letting them in, while others say it is a shadowy person that makes it so you can't tell whether or not they are a man or a woman. Either way, looks can be deceiving in this one.

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