If You Fall You Die

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This one is about another peculiar dream like the previous one, and is also known as "Fall-and-Die Village". Although people forget most dreams they have, many people from Japan have claimed to have this specific dream. It is said that most people are to have this dream at one point in their lifetime. In fact, some people may have already experienced the dream, but simply forgot about it when they woke up.

At first, I just thought this urban legend was about the dream where you think you're falling and your brain wakes you up (we've all had that dream before), but this is a much more sinister dream.

They say that if you fall in the dream, you die in real life.

The dream begins with you in a rural village, with the sun setting and the sky painted in dusky colors. Although the setting is astonishing, you'll soon realize that this dream isn't a pleasant one at all. Lying everywhere on the ground are bluish-purple bodies, surrounding the scenery. As you walk forward, you find out that the lifeless bodies are everywhere. The corpses are scattered down the paths and roads, and some are even floating in streams nearby.

After some time passes of you wandering in the village, a few girls dressed in kimonos run up to you. They hastily explain that you are in "The village where if you fall, you die."

As soon as the explanation ends, one of the girls starts to walk away, but stumbles over a corpse and falls to the ground.

"Gya!" The girl screams as her body turns a bluish-purple color. A few seconds later, her body goes limp and she lays on the ground, dead

Many people have had different things happen to them in the dream after this event. Some people say that the girls start to chase them, and they run away from them until they wake up. Some people have said that the girls had given them stilts to stand on until they woke up. Others say that nothing happens, and they just wake up a few seconds after the girl shrivels up and dies.

There have been no reports from people who have fallen during this dream- which leads to many people believe that the people died in their sleep. It is rumored that the people who are lying everywhere dead in the dream are of actual victims. In other words, you may actually be walking next to the corpses of unfortunate souls that accidentally fell and died in both the dream and real life.

Some people also take this legend a step further and believe that everyone who has died in their sleep is actually a victim of this dream, and the reason elderly people die in their sleep more often is that they can't stand and walk well.

Dreams can definitely be beautiful, but in these terms, they may be deadly. Either way, try to have safe dreams out there and don't fall.

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