Dream School

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This legend is a story called "Dream School", and it is said that the story is cursed. Apparently, if you do not forget the story within a week, you will have the same dream the boy has. It is unknown who the writer of the story is, so I can't give any credit to whoever created the story. However, I definitely did not write this story. With that being said, here is the story of Dream School:

There is a boy named K, who suddenly found himself wandering around a school that he did not recognize. It was a school that seemed to be rundown and old, even having some parts of the ceiling falling off.

As he ventured through the corridors of the school, he grew more and more confused. It was as though, no matter which direction he took, the hallway would loop back around to where he began. 

K felt the need to find another route, so he kept down the hallway, turned left, and then left again. He soon found himself in the music room. When he opened the door to the hallway, he found himself in the girl's bathroom. Nothing made sense within the mysterious school.

Then K heard the clock chime.

He looked up to see the clock's hands swinging back and forth like a pendulum. After hearing this, he heard something else that was definitely strange.

Clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp... It was the sound of footsteps approaching him.

Fearful, K turned to a set of stairs that led to the 4th floor. However, as K climbed up, he felt himself go down. When he reached the top, K had found himself on the 1st floor.

Ahead of him, he saw where teachers keep the classroom keys. There was a large broken glass box which contained what K assumed was an important key. Yet, the key was missing—all that was left was a note that read: "The key is in room 108".

Clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp...

K could hear the footsteps grow nearer. He instinctively knew which way to go, so he ran down the hallway and away from whoever was coming for him.

He then reached room 108. K opened the door to discover that the lights were not working. He closed the door behind him and tried to pick out the details. All that he could see was the silhouette of desks, chairs, and bookbags.

Not long after, K heard the footsteps again:

Clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp...

Then whoever it was, banged on the door.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Though he was afraid, K opened the door.

His heart nearly stopped as K stood face-to-face with the most gruesome thing he had ever seen. A mess of disfigured student limbs, torsos, and heads coagulated into one big, ungracefully dancing creature. The form swayed back and forth as K witnessed the countless dead expressions of boys and girls brought together by the mysterious school.

He screamed, but then realized that it was a dream. He was probably about to wake up, so he felt some relief. This would all be over soon.

But, K never woke up.

To this day, he still wanders the Dream School—unable to escape, always running away from the creature.

Like I said at the beginning, if you remember the story of Dream School within a week, it is said that you might end up joining K in the Dream School and never wake up. If you don't have the same dream, you will instead have constant nightmares until you forget about the story.

At least that's what the legend says. Overall, it probably isn't true. I wrote this section of the book a couple months ago and haven't experienced any nightmares since. Either way, this is definitely a unique one that I'm glad isn't real.

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