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A/N Hi, I just wanted to say; feel free to correct me in spelling/grammar or facts about HP, because English is not my first language.


"Okay, okay, I will tell you about my years at Hogwarts." Jenna laughed being pulled down by multiple sets of arms. "I guess this is the perfect time to tell you."


[3rd pov]

To anyone watching it would be a weird sight, an older looking man, in purple cloak, a stern women with emerald cloak by his side. In her arms, a basket with a young girl.

But to anyone who knew the people, who knew what happened that horrible night, it was a sad, horrible even, sight.

The little girl was asleep. Hopefully her deep, brown eyes would stay closed for a while. She would need it. Past night had brought enough terrors to her.

And so the woman was pleading to the older man. "Albus, please, the boy was bad enough, but she can go somewhere nice, let me take her, something." She asked, her eyes still watery from past events, though she would never let herself slip in public, even in the dark.

"Minerva, we both know that's not smart. She'd have to grow up at Hogwarts, we can't have her hanging around, we both know her father can't stand the sight of her." Albus said. "He gave me these things, we'll bring her to the orphanage on Diagon Alley, she can grow up knowing you, maybe even Remus, knowing what she is."

"I'm still not completely agreeing to this. But I guess you have a point. We'll bring her to Baker's Family Orphanage. I always that place, it's really like a home to the children there."


Bye, hope you liked this!! Ly, byes!!!!


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