Heey, what's up? Pic of Jenna on top.
The next morning I woke up. I slowly took out some clothes and went to the bathroom. Locking the door I undressed and hopped under the shower.
After washing my hair thoroughly I got back out, drying myself off and putting my hair in a towel. I started putting on deodorant, I prefer the muggle way most of the time, and then I put on my clothes.
Walking back out I started to pack my bag for the day. By then Mo, Belle and Lyn had woken up.
We started the day with breakfast, me at the Slytherin table, and then I went to DADA with Fred and George.
The day was fairly boring. The rest of the week I followed classes, got praised by teachers, praised a few students, had fun. Nothing special really happened. Until..
I took out the parchment again at night.
"Hi, guys, I'm back." I smiled, tapping the parchment.
Mr. Prongs says HIIIIIII.
Mr. Moony would want to ask Mr. Padfoot to calm down, and would want to tell Miss, that he would hug her, if he could.
Mr. Wormtail says hello.
"Thank you Moony. So... How do I get into the map, people? You good now, Padfoot?" I giggled.
Mr. Prongs why would we give you the password?
Mr. Padfoot says, nothing personal, but you could be like your dad..
Mr. Moony would want to slap these two idiots, as they are being ridiculous.
Mr. Wormtail want's to ask, where have you been living, as you haven't known your parents.
"Well, Prongs, Padfoot, I don't think I can really prove myself, but, like Wormtail asks, I'll tell my story.
I grew up in an orphanage, since I was 3, that's when my mother died and my dad brought me there. When I was 6 I met the Weasleys, I went to their home a lot, to play with Fred and George, their twins, who are my age. When I turned 11 they finally adopted me." I smiled sadly, thinking about my parents.
Mr. Prongs approves.
Mr. Padfoot agrees.
Mr. Moony says, Molly was always a great woman.
Mr. Wormtail says, we'll give you hints.
"Great, that's alright for me."
Mr. Prongs would want to suggest swearing your mischief when you want to get in.
"I swear I'm mischievous." I whisper.
Mr. Padfoot would like to say: a bit more solemn.
Okay.... maybe....
"I solemnly swear that I'm mischievous." I whisper tapping my wand.
Mr. Moony wants to say, not literally mischief, try.. A description.
Mr. Wormtail would want to ask you, as you are very close, remember to got to the kitchens if you need some relaxation.
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good?" I said, more like a question, talling the parchment.
On the parchment once again appeared letters.
Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present: the Maraurders Map.
I opened it and inside was a map. It showed Hogwarts. I saw Dumbledore in his office, pacing. Then I searched for my room. It took me a while, but when I found it I saw the names of Mo, Lyn and Belle in their beds. But... in my bed I saw a banner with the name....
Jenna Snape?!? I.... what?!? How is that possible?
"Why does my name say Snape? I'm not a Snape, right?"
This time it showed no names, just, the map never lies.
What did Wormtail say? Kitchens... Hm.... "Can you give me the way to the kitchen?" I whispered.
Mr. Prongs would like to point out that the kitchens are on the map, therefore you can find it yourself.
Mr. Moony would like to inform you that the entrance can be found by tickling the pear.
Mr. Padfoot would politely want to remind to not forget to say 'Mischief Managed' once the lady is done.
Mr. Wormtail would like to thank the Miss. for taking his advice.
Okay, map, down by the Hufflepuff common room. I quietly sneaked out of the dorm and out the common room. I walked a few steps. The kitchen was supposed to be on my left...
I looked to my left and saw a painting of a fruit bowl. Tickle the pear, right? I thought. I tickled the pear and, to my surprise, it began to giggle. Then it formed into a doorknob. I took it and the door opened. "Wow...." I whispered.
I walked in and saw thousands of little elfish creatures... "Hi!" I voiced towards a creature. "I have three questions, What are you?" I asked. "Tinka is a House elf, Miss. Can Tinka serve Miss?" The elf squeaked. "That solves my second and third question, can you give me some mint, chocolate chip ice cream?" I asked politely.
"Of course, Miss, Tinka would be honoured to serve Miss. ..... What is Miss' name?" Tinka asked. "We- Snape. My name is Snape..." I said, letting it sink in. "Okay, order is coming Miss. Snape." Tinka said.
I stood waiting and after a minute Tinka came back with ice cream and a spoon. "Here, Miss Snape." She said. "Thank you." I said. And I walked away, back to the common room.
Back in my bed I sat for a while, eating and thinking. After the ice cream was all in my stomach. I fell asleep slowly.
This one's a bit shorter, but I felt like this was a great place to end it.
Word count: 923🌹

Jenna at Hogwarts || Jenna Series{Edited}
FanfictionEdit: this book is horrible and it doesn't add up because I was editing the storyline but gave up halfway. Read at your own risk. -+×+- Hi, My name is Jenna and this is my Hogwarts story. I stand open for people who want to join me on my adventure...