When I woke up the next morning I dressed in my uniform and robes, grabbed my wand and my books, which I packed yesterday. After that.... Time to wake up Belle, Lyn and Mo. I thought while grinning evilly to myself. I whispered Aquamenti twice and after 0.5 seconds I heard them scream. "Ahhhh!!! JENNA!!!" They all shouted. That's when I took a run for it. I ran as fast as I could towards the Great Hall and when I was there I quickly sat between E and Ari.
"What got you in such a hurry?" Ari asked. "Belle, Lyn and Mo, add sleepiness and wetness and they are pretty scary....." I rushed out. "Well then.... Let's eat! I'm hungry" E said. "When are you not E?" I asked him laughing. "Never." He told me with the best pokerface he could manage, which, may I add, was not very good.
After we were done laughing our butts off, me and the Ravenclaws were headed to DADA with the Gryffindors, that meant I got to see Fred and George.
"Velcome class, I am Provezor Vicälska, I have a Zcandinavian/Bulgarian background, wherefrom my aczent, lazt name and zometimez incorrect grammar. Now, vor thiz lezon we ar going to zpeak about ze Nundu, zis may be a bit hard, but I velt like you should nohw diz. Ze Nundu iz a very dangerous creature, it iz very poisonus and lookz a bit like a Muggle Panther." Professor Vicälska explains.
I wrote a note...
Meet me in the 7th floor corridor at 8.00 pm
Need to talk.~Jenna
Then I whispered "Gemini" four times. Then I charmed it to fly and send each copy to one of my friends.
After a while I got some notes back.
Of course we'll be there.
~Gred and Forge
See ya, Fred and George said they would help me navigate.
"I'll be there." Lo whispered from beside me. "Thanks." I whispered back.
"Okay claz! Zat'z it! You may go!" Professor Vicälska told us once the bell rang.
After that we had Herbology, nothing exciting happened, then lunch.
"Hey, can you meet me at the 7th floor tonight after dinner at 8." I said to E and Ari. "Sure, what's up?" E asked. "Nothing Eeteeweetee, but I have to go! Bye!" I replied. "Hey! Not fun!" I heard E behind me. I sniggered.
I walked to the Hufflepuff table. "Hi!" Mo said once I sat down. "Hey, can you meet me at 8 at the 7th floor corridor after dinner tonight, I need to tell you something." I asked Mo, Belle, Lyn and Gray. "Sure. See ya!" They replied as I already walked away. I walked to the end of the Gryffindor table. "Hey, brothers!" I sang. "Hey, sis." Charlie said. "Hey." Bill mumbled with food in his mouth.
"Any plans for this evening?" I asked. "Nope." Charlie answered for both of them. "Good, I need to talk to you, meet me at the 7th floor at 8 after dinner." I said and walked away.
"Hey, Perce, meet me at 8, 7th floor corridor. Gotta go!" I said once I heard the bell.
At is 7.59 pm I was waiting for everyone. First I saw, Fred, George, and Martin. "Hi, there!" Then Charlie, Bill, Harmony, Belle, Lyn and Grayson walk around the corner. "Picked these up on the way." Bill said, smiling at me. Then Loïs and Percy come into view.
After some time Ariana and Ethan are here too. I start walking in search of an empty classroom, we saw one and Charlie opened the door and we all walked in. We sat down by the fireplace, it was half a circle of pillows, couches and chairs towards the fireplace with one cosy chair with the back to the fireplace. Why doe Hogwarts have this???
"Okay, so, I found this the other day," I said taking out the Maraurders Map, "and last night I couldn't sleep so I went to play a bit with it, talking with, cause that's possible for some reason and trying to guess the password." I continued. I mutter 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good' under my breath and the letters appear. "It is a map of Hogwarts and shows where everyone where they are, what they're doing, every minute, of everyday." I went on.
"So I looked at it and searched my dorm, and saw all our names, but look here at the classroom...." I explain. Percy caught on the fastest. "All our names are here, except... Yours Jen, it says Jenna Snape..." He said. I nodded. "So, I asked the map what was wrong, because you can talk to them through the map, like this.
Moony why does it say Jenna Snape?" I asked, tapping my wand on the map. "I have found that Moony is the most helpful with questions.
Mr. Moony would like to remind Miss. Snape that he already told her, Snape is her real last name. The Map never lies.
"See?" I concluded. "But, you couldn't be family of Snape could you?" Martin asked. "I don't know. We'll have to look for a family tree or something in the library." I replied.
"But now.... Party!" I then said.
"Tinka!" I called. "Could you transform this room with elf magic, we need a party room." I had previously gotten some food from the kitchens, made it smaller and put that in a small bag. I took that out and enlarged it. I also let Tinka bake a cake with the rest of the house-elves. Once Tinka was done I smiled at her and said, "Thabk you Tinka. Could you fetch the cake, please?" She dissapeared with a plop and came back with the cake a few seconds later.
It was a vanilla cake with ranbow colours and smarties inside, sprinkles and whipped cream on the outside.
"No way you did this for me Jen!" Loïs shouted. "Thank you, thank you so freaking much!" She sqealed hugging me. "You're welcome!" I laugh, hugging her back. "Now, cut the cake, I'm hungry." I said.
We had a the best time on Lo's birthday.
Word count: 1034🌹

Jenna at Hogwarts || Jenna Series{Edited}
FanfictionEdit: this book is horrible and it doesn't add up because I was editing the storyline but gave up halfway. Read at your own risk. -+×+- Hi, My name is Jenna and this is my Hogwarts story. I stand open for people who want to join me on my adventure...