As soon as we all ate, Bill eventually got a pancake or two, we went outside where the boys would play Quidditch. They'd never let me and Ginny join, but a few years ago we started breaking into the shed and playing with the two of us. First they just played, throwing the Quaffle around.
After lunch we devided the teams as evenly as possible and finally this is what we cam up with..
On Team 1 we had Fred as a Beater, Ron was Keeper and Bill Chaser.
Then on Team 2 it was George, Charlie and Percy. Playing Beater, Chaser, Keeper. In that order.
And me as a seeker to know the and Ginny as referees.
The game ended in 30-50, with team 2 on the winning side.
"Dinner is ready!" Molly called from inside the house, just as we landed. She had been watching the last few minutes from the door, waiting for us to finish so we could eat. "We're coming!" Fred, George and I shouted. "Hmmm, I'm hungry." Ron said and we all laughed.
"When are you not hungry, Ron?" Ginny giggled. "Oh, shut up." Ron also silently laughed. (A/N You know, when he tries to hate you, but can't because even he finds it funny.)
We all went to sit at the table at our usual spots: Arthur at the head with Charlie at his right hand and Bill at his left, at Bill's left first Fred, then me, then George. At Charlie's right first Percy, then Ginny, then Ron. And at the other head of the table Molly.
"That was delicious, Molly." I said while I bringing my plate to the kitchen. "Thank you, dear." She smiled. "Goodnight Molly!" I said walking up the stairs. "Goodnight."
I walked up to my room. Then I thought of something. I walked to Percy's room. I knocked on the door and walked in.
"Hey! Knocking does not mean yo-. Oh, sorry Jenna, I thought you where Fred and/or George. What's up?" Percy said.
"Don't mind. I just thought of the fact that I promised to study with you this morning, but Quidditch got in the way." I said.
"Oh, yeah. Well, don't mind that we'll do that some time." He replied. "Okay! Bye, 'night!" I said and walked away. "See you!" I heard Percy say.
I walked to my room again. "Hey idiots!" I said as I walked in to the room. "Hey Jen!" They greeted back. I grabbed my pj's and walked to the bathroom. I changed and walked back.
As I walked into the room I heard thunder. "Okay, let's get those beds together!" I said.
You know, we always had this 'tradition' that, when there was thunder, all the kids came to our room, because we have the most bed space in our room. We always pushed the beds together and all lay in them, cuddled up.
From left to right:
Bill|Percy|Me|Ginny|Ron|George|Fred|Charlie5 minutes later everyone was laying in bed.
The next morning when I woke up I silently sat up and looked around. Seeing the weird positions the boys were laying in was hilarious. Ginny was just calmly sleeping with her head on my chest and one arm over my stomach. I silently woke her up and together we climbed out of the bed, making sure not to wake anyone.
When we were standing I grabbed a camera and took a picture.
George was lying on his stomach, head under the pillow. Ron was next to him, in fetus position, drooling. Fred was on top of them forming some sort of double cross. Charlie was hanging half off of the bed with his upper body. Bill was lying in a princessy manner, like sleeping beauty, with Percy, in the shape of a giant X, diagonally on top of him.

Jenna at Hogwarts || Jenna Series{Edited}
FanfictionEdit: this book is horrible and it doesn't add up because I was editing the storyline but gave up halfway. Read at your own risk. -+×+- Hi, My name is Jenna and this is my Hogwarts story. I stand open for people who want to join me on my adventure...