Chapter Two

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Chapter Two 

Awareness slowly eased back to me. A light flashed overhead as I felt jerking movement beneath my body. Voices mumbled and whispered around me but I couldn't grasp a single word. 

I groaned, trying to shift onto my side, only to be restricted by straps. After willing my eyes to work, I squinted back the ceiling lights passing by before squeezing my eyes shut.  

Again, I tried to sit up but a warm and gentle hand rested against my shoulder. An easing calmness came over me as I once again felt safe and secure.  

"It's okay Liara." A familiar muscular voice, assure. 

"Where am I?" I breathed. "My head hurts." 

"The hospital, rest okay?"  

"Who are you?"  

"Daniel..." a woman's voice ordered.  

"It'll be okay Liara," a voice wavered through my head. "Just relax."  

I winced feeling a needle inserted into my arm before a cool liquid ran through my veins. The tight straps were released from around my frame. A moment later, the pain eased before I slipped into unconsciousness. 


I groggily woke to a brightly lit room. The fog and dizziness had seeped from my head. Slowly, I eased myself up in the middle of the bed. Crisp white sheets were lightly tucked in around me. A blue curtain was wrapped around the bed. The sterile scent of bleach burned my nostrils.  

Slowly, I became aware of the intense warmth around my hand. Another electric surge worked through the muscles of my palm. Groaning with a wince, I whipped my hand back and felt the roughness of the gauze bandage against my fingertips.  

"Hey, you're okay." A voice stated, sleep coating his voice. 

My eyes flashed open and held his molten hazel-chocolate gaze; so sweet, gentle and rich with vigorous life. His gaze gave off its own vibe of warmth and comfort-protection.  

"Who are you ... and ... where am, I?" I groaned. "How long was I out?"  

"My name's Dan Angel, I'm an Intermediate Emergency Medical Technician, here. You're in the hospital-my dog knocked you over and you hit your head-you've been out for about three hours." 

"A ... what...?" I questioned. "In English, please."  

He smirked. "Sorry. I'm an EMT, level two."  

"Oh." After a moment, Dan's words sunk into my head. Wow, a man in uniform, my brain whispered. My heart skipped a beat. That had never happened before... I shook my head and actually took in his appearance.  

His almost black hair appeared as though he had towel dried it; short and spikey, messy, though it suited him. A washed out grey shirt clung to his tall, lean frame.  

It took a while before I realised there was a world outside, where we weren't the only two who existed. I shook my head of my thoughts and glanced around. There was a bedside table, but it was bare.  

"Where's my phone? Mum's going to be freaking!"  

I knew I had it when I left the cafe. I frantically began searching through the sheets before my hands patted over the pockets of my shorts while my cheeks grew warm.  

"Here," Dan spoke gently and caught my attention as he slowly placed my messenger bag on the bed end then took out my phone.  

"Thanks." While dialling my mother's number, I glanced towards him and found a smile lighting his eyes. Somehow, his gaze was sparkling. My cheeks burned further as I pressed the Blackberry to my ear. I dared to glance at him once more, while his gaze was down the hall. Again, my heart fluttered.  

Finally, Mum picked up. "Liara? Liara, are you okay? I'll be up now." 

"I'm fine Mum. Don't worry okay?" I snapped my Blackberry's keyboard to its base and hung up as she did. My narrowed gaze landed upon Dan. 

"You didn't tell me you had already called her," I muttered, staring down at the bed sheets. 

Dan shrugged his shoulders. "I thought it'd be best if she heard your voice," he whispered. "She was really worried."  

I sighed, nodding. At least he was thoughtful.  

Biting down on my lip, I lost myself to thought. I wondered if Darren knew-I hoped not. But when I thought, if he did, would he care? I didn't think so. He was too self-absorbed to care much about anyone other than himself. It was amazing how much I wanted Mum to walk out on him. She could do it too. So easily, she'd get a job at a New Age store. She knew everything to do with past life stuff, crystals and angels. 

I shut my eyes tight. Reality sucked! I hadn't wanted to come out from that world where only Dan and I existed. It had felt so much easier and safe there. My mind backtracked to how it felt when I collapsed into the warmth of his secure arms. That was a moment I could have relived a thousand times.  

Upon realisation, I snapped myself out of those thoughts. I never wanted a boyfriend. I didn't even believe in love. It was pointless-I had seen it enough to know. This daydreaming fantasy had to stop before I got any closer to Dan. I'd only wind up hurt... My mind was racing so fast, I felt dizzy and fell back against the bed.  

"Hey, Liara, you okay?" Dan whispered, eyes filling with concern. 

Nodding, I closed my eyes, barely holding back the tears. I didn't want him to see me cry-no one ever seen me cry anymore. I felt my hand taken into the warmth his and felt instantly better. 

"You can tell me Liara." 

I shook my head. "No, I can't."  

"You're scared, I can sense it."  

My eyes fluttered open, vision was blurred by my own tears. Dan had move to the side of the bed, while holding my gaze. I felt us slip back into that blissful world. Why was he so alluring? Why was it always his eyes?  

I was faintly aware as he took a strand of my hair and pulled it aside, off my face. My heart began fluttering and racing against the bones of my chest as Dan's hand cupped the side of my face.  

After a knock at the door, his gaze broke away as he slipped from his position on the side of the bed. It took a moment for me to realise my own Mother had stepped in the door. It was only when I heard grocery bags, did my head snap up to see her holding a bag of takeout and a shake in her other hand.  

"I'm so glad to see you awake, Liara! You had me so worried baby girl." Her green eyes shone glassy as she placed the drink and food on the table and hugged me tight. It was a relief to only see her.  

"Mum, I'm fine, really." I encouraged as I forced on a smile and wiped my eyes while her back was turned, pulling over another chair.  

She smiled once before meeting Dan's gaze. "Thank you for bringing my little girl in," she said; tone loving as her eyes welled with tears. 

"It's the least I could do," Dan murmured, with a smile aimed in my direction. Mum glanced between us before staring at Dan with a puzzled look. Suspicion painted her face as the room fell quiet. 

"Here Liara drink up. You need your strength," Mum said after a long moment and handed me the shake. I was curious to know what she had found so interesting in Dan.  

"You can go home in the morning Liara. They're just making sure you're okay," Dan said with a smile and stood. "Anyway, I better get to work." He hesitantly stood. "See you both in the morning I guess..." Giving a small wave, Dan exited the room and disappeared down the hall. 

"He's a nice boy," Mum commented. "Seems to have a liking for you, too Liara." I could hear the smile in her tone as I acted coy-I wasn't going to involve myself with him.  

"He's okay I guess." I shrugged a shoulder. "Pass the food please." 

"Liara..." Mum groaned with a roll of her eyes.

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