Part 10

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"Argghhhhhhh!" That was the last scream from Loki before he vanished into ashes. Steve then looks at Natasha, worried about her. "I must hurt you.. so much.."

"No.. no don't let-" Natasha stopped when Clint pulls Natasha's wrist from Steve. "I don't like my girlfriend hang around with Captain."

"Let her go. She is not a doll for you to trash her around and fucked her behind your wife!" Steve removes Clint's hand from her and he shocked to know about how Steve finding out about it.

"Loki tells you about this?" He laughed and Natasha goes behind Steve. "Look Captain, I do loves Natasha.. but not in possessive way.. but look at you!" He half whispers, enough to make all of them including X Men team heard it. "You raped Natasha.. not once but three times and almost become the forth time if we not arrived here early." He laughs again but Natasha step in front of him and give him her handprints. It is so hard until Clint's head snapped back.

"No, don't believe it Steve.." Natasha doesn't want Steve feels sad.

"Tell me Natasha.. did I do the.. raping and kidnapping stuff, all of that to you?!" Steve shook Natasha's shoulder and Natasha just look down.

"Just asks Tony what he found on the camera footage!" Clint spat and Tony come forward, Natasha shook her head, pleading Tony from not to tell him the truth.

"Well, on the camera footage.. I saw Clint's ass fucked with vibrator.. okay lets go Clint Barton.." He fly brought Clint with him. Jean pushed Prof X's wheel chair followed by Thor who just sad about Loki after he took one last glance from where Loki had appear.

"Steve!" Natasha pulls his hand. "Don't leave me after I had confessed my feeling towards you.. it is.. hurt.." Natasha lift up her face and tears stream down like a river.

"I can't forgive myself Natasha.." he let go Natasha's hand from his arm and walking left her alone.

"Steve! Steve Rogers please!" Natasha try to chase Steve but its too late, he's riding his bike. Natasha run, keep running to chase him but failed. She falls on the ground crying a lot. She loves Steve and how could Steve left her after what he had done? "YOU'RE CRUEL STEVE! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" She shouts and fall on the ground again, her shoulder shaken and she sobs. One arm wraps around her back and she turn around to received it, doesn't even care about who the person is.

"He will come back, once he find his answer.." Tony calms her while she is crying on Tony's suit. "You are the last one here left.. I am sure Steve won't let you alone here.. holds onto me.." Tony brought Natasha fly with him, the rest of the team on quinjet, sending back the X-Men Team to Charles Xavier's school.


Two months had passed and for those period time, Natasha locked herself in her room, she refused to eat anything until Stark build a machine for instant food which Natasha only need to wait for five minutes if she want to eat pizza or lamb chop or even Chinese food. She only open her door for Stark to repair the machine sometimes. The rest of the avengers get a news about Natasha only from Tony. Clint once tried to enter her room but all he got is only a bruises and broken ribs.

Tony just arrived at the dining room, with Pepper still reading on her magazine. "How's her?" Clint asked to Tony.

"Stuborn, sometimes she smile, sometimes she.. crying.. she's really broken.." Tony sighed.

"I think, let me see her.. we both are female.. well.. maybe she have some secret she needs to express.." Pepper volunteer herself to meet Natasha but Tony shows his horror expression.

"No! And No! She's dangerous..!"

"Yes and it yes! She needs a support! And you guys, why not all of you tracks Captain America?!"

"We tried but.. he refused to come home.." Sam told Pepper and this time it is Pepper's face turn horror.

"You know but you refused to tell her?! What kind of human all of you?!"

"Err.. I'm not a human.." Thor said silently but he got a glares from Pepper. She just steps her feet to Natasha's room. She knocked the door twice before its opened. Pepper steps in and feel amazed with her room. It is full with Steve's news on the newspaper from 1940's until the recent years.

"Natasha.. it's me Pepper.. do you remember me?"

"Yes, I do.. I am not crazy yet to not recognize you.." she smiled and Pepper sit on her bed. She looks around her room, nothing messy and all in a proper place.

Before Pepper start to ask, Natasha already open the convo. "I always ask to myself, why my life is not normal.. raised by assassin school, kills people, flirts around and... when the time I opened my heart for someone, he left.. same like before.. James also left me.. Captain also.. left.. and Clint.. cheat me.."she sighed. "All men is like this?"

"Hmm.. Tony is a playboy but I believe, he can't live without me even for one day.. if me and him in danger, Tony had put a setting to me wear the Iron suit first automatically. That's mean he really cared about me.."

"But why Captain left?"

"Because.. he want to redeem himself.. he loves you Natasha and it's hard for him to accept he had act worst by showing his posession side over you..Maybe he's out there, watching over you every night when you sleep.. he wants to touch you but afraid.." Pepper tells the truth about Steve slowly peak inside Stark's tower just want to see Natasha's sleeping face. She had seen it on Tony's camera footage. "Can you feel it Natasha?"

She nods and smile before she lean her head on Pepper's shoulder. "Thank you for come here.." Pepper just about want to reply her but silence as Natasha's head straightly lie on her laps. "Natasha? Natasha?" She checked the pulse but the beating is drop. She quickly calls Tony and all of the avengers come quickly.


She smiled when she opens her eyes when saw an angel disguise as Steve. "Even you disguise yourself as Steve, you can't get my love.."


"I'm in heaven right?"

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