Chapter 14 She Pushed Too Far

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Katniss POV

Its been two weeks since school started. Everyday Delly messes with me even more. I don't tell Peeta because I know he'll freak out. I'm sitting in the livingroom when I get a text from Peeta

Peeta:Hey babe. Come to the meadow in 10 min. Luv u.


I get ready and head out to the meadow but Peeta's no where to be seen. I pull me phone out and read the text again Wait. Luv u? Peeta always write Love you. Always. I look up but feel something hit the side of my knee making me fall to the ground in pain. I look up and see Delly. She kicks me over and over before everything goes black.

Peeta POV

"Did you leave it in your locker? Rye asks. I lost my phone and I'm going crazy.

"No, well, I head home. Maybe Katniss has it or knows where it is." I say walking outside.

"Peeta!" I turn around to see Finnick running towards me. He looks scared.

"Whats up man?" I ask. He reaches me but can't catch his breath.

"Katniss......she......shes in the meadow. Covered in blood and bruses. Annies with her and we called and ambulance." he says. Instead of saying anything I bolt past him and towards the meadow. When I get there I see ambulance. I run towards it and see Katniss, bloody on inside.

"Sorry sir. You can't pass this point." A officer says. 

"But thats my girfriend, Katniss Everdeen." I say and he lets me pass. I run to the ambulance and jump in. She opens her eyes and smiles weakly. I stroke her cheek carefully.

"You okay? What happened? Who did thid?" I had too many questions. She kissed my hand and closed her eyes. I know she just wanted to rest so I kissed her forehead and wanted to reach the hostpital.

At The Hostpital

Katniss was brought in and they said she's fine. Just two broken ribs and a few bruses. They gave her pain killers so she could sleep better. Its really late and I'm tired. I lay my head on the side of her bed and close my eyes. Not long after I feel a hand on the top of my head. I looked up and saw Katniss was awake and smiling.

"If your so tired you can lay down next to me." she said. I climbed into bed with her. For a hostpital bed it was really big. I snuggle up next to her and close my eyes. Soon after I fall into a deep sleep.

When I wake I see Finnick, Annie, Clove and Johanna staring at us. I jump, waking up Katniss.

"Oh my god, Katniss. Are you okay?" Clove asked I sat up and streched. 

"I'm fine. Just a little sore. What are you guys doing here?" she asked trying to sit up. I helped her up and kissed her cheek.

"When can you go home?" Johanna asked. I got out of bed but just about fell flat on my face when I saw that my fake leg was next to the bed. When did I take it off? I attached it to my knee and walked to the bathroom. When I came back the doctor was standing next to Katniss.

"I came to tell you that you can go home now. Just have to sign the release papers." he said handing her them. She signed them and we left the hostpital. I walked Katniss to my car and we drove home. I helped her inside and into the livingroom.

"Peeta? Can you make some cheese buns?" she asked. I smiled and got up to go to the kitchen. I made her some cheese buns and brought them out, making her smile.

"Katniss? Who did this too you?" I ask seriously. She stops eating and looks away. I knew it was hard you her to talk about.

"I......I don't know. I couldn't see anything." she said biting her lip. I knew this face. She was lying.

"Katniss. Don't lie to me. I don't like it when you lie." I say. She gives me a sad look so I pull her in for a hug.

"Delly. she must have stole your phone and sent me a text to meet you in the meadow. I knew something was wrong when I reread the text and saw it said luv u with wrong. You always write love you with and o and not u. Then something hit the side of my knee and i fell to the ground where she kicked me over and over again." she said with tears running down her cheeks. I knew Delly was a bitch but now she pushed too far. I pick up my phone and looked at past text messages and saw that one Delly sent.

"Katniss, we have to call the police. You could have died if something went wrong. What if she kicked you so hard that one of your broken ribs hit one of your lungs." I say. She looks me in the eyes with a scared face.

"Okay but please, let me stay home tomorrow." I know I can't let her go to school like this. I nodded and we went to bed. I laid down next to her and closed my eyes. I knew I would deal with Delly tomorrow but how? I'm not sure yet but I couldn't have guessed who was going to help me.


Okay, so who is going to help Peeta? I'll have the next chapter posted in about an hour.

Post a comment if you liked this or if you have any problems.

NikkiD :)

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