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Listening to: Boys in the street by Seeb

All my life Ive been told "You always have an answer to everything". What they mean by this is that if Im in a discussion Ill always have an answer and Ill never lose. (Which is true btw, dont even think you stand a chance against me) I dont have problem with this statement, what I have a problem with is the fact that it is always said as a negative thing. In fact, it is often used by people to try to end a discussion.


Douche: Why are you a feminist? Do you hate men?

Me: No, feminism means that men and women are equal, not that women are better than men.

Douche: You just have to have an answer to everything, dont you?

(You may think the example is stupid, but this is an actual discussion Ive had with someone.)

The thing that makes me the most annoyed about this is that Ive always been taught to have my own opinions and be strong, but now I get told that I do that too much. Another thing about this that bothers me so much my hands are trembeling while I write this is because I am 100% certain I wouldnt get told the same thing if I was a male. You can fight me on this, I will still mean it. And no, I dont think this is the male genders fault, I frankly dont care whos fault it is. As long as it changes. The world can not reach its full potential if only half the population is allowed to speak their mind and tell people what they think.

So, lets replay that example with the right ending this time:

Douche: Why are you a feminist? Do you hate men?

Me: No, feminism means that men and women are equal, not that women are better than women.

Douche: You just have to have an answer to everything, dont you?

Me: Damn right I do.

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