He needs to be locked up. (Decomi) - Part 2

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After Declan calmed me down, which took a lot of time, he brought me back to the base. The guys came shortly after, noticing the notification in their phones from the Trace Ace app.

The moment they stepped into the base, they bombarded us with questions. Even Bennett was freaking out, which is rare itself, because he's Bennet, he's normally calm. Even in this kind of situations.

But I just hugged my legs and closed my eyes. I was trying to get rid of the disgust I was feeling because of Raymond , and all they with their questions was remind me of those moments.

I know it's selfish of me not to answer them, but I can't find it in me to do so.

"Naomi can you please answer us!" Jordan exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

My eyes were still closed, as I flinched at the harshness of his voice.

"Naomi, we're freaking out, please!" Bennett joined.

They started to walk from one side of the room to the other, over and over again, tugging their hair, murmuring curses, begs for me to speak and rapid pleads lead to nothing.

I still sat there, until I started to shake, the memories of Raymond touching me made me want to throw up.

Bennett and Jordan didn't seem to notice as they kept with the tugging, the walking, the murmuring and the pleads.

Until Declan stormed into the room, furious.

"Guys! Enough! Don't you see her? She's in shock! Leave her the fuck alone!" Declan yelled.

He came over to me, hugged me tightly again, whispering reassuring words like 'it's going to be okay' and 'I got you's.

Craving his comfort, I threw myself at him, ending up sitting in his lap, hugging him while tears ran down my eyes to his shirt.

At this, the other two stopped, realizing my state, murmuring their sorry's they left the room, assuming that would be the best for me.

Eventually, I calmed down again. When I opened my eyes, I met Declan's. You could see the worry all over his face, his brown eyes saddening at the sight of me.

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

"What for?" confusion was written all over his face, his eyebrows furrowing.

"All of this, I'm a mess." I looked down at my lap, avoiding his eyes.

Declan raised his hand, resting it on my cheek, to turn my face to look at him before saying calmly.

"You don't have to apologize to me, ever."

I nodded slightly, self conscious of our position.

I was straddling him, with him under me sitting on the couch. I moved so I could get off him, embarrassed.

But when I went to move, his hands went to my hips, keeping me in place.

"Don't." he whispered, looking at me straight in the eyes.

''Thank you, for everything.'' I said, after a moment of silence, meaning every word.

"Anything for you, baby."



His thumbs were tracing circles over my shirt, on the sides of my hips.

My breath hitched, realizing he nickname he gave me, the close proximity we were in and his touch.

I drifted my sight from his eyes to his lips, letting it stay there for a couple of seconds before looking back into his eyes.

I think he noticed, because he licked his lips.

I hesitated, but I leaned in, my hands over his chest.

At the sight of this, Declan moved a hand from my hips to the back of my neck, looking down at my lips and back up again to my eyes, as if asking for permission.

Which I gave by crashing my lips into his.

My whole body erupted into fireworks as he pulled me closer to him, moving his lips in synch with mine.

I felt his tongue trace my bottom lip, asking for permission, I didn't hesitate in opening my mouth, letting the kiss turn more passionate.

He didn't try to take control, and neither did I. We just went with it, trying to enjoy it while it lasted.

The kiss deepened when I moved my hands to rest on his cheeks, pulling him closer to me, even though it was not possible.

Eventually, we had to break the kiss apart. Looking into his eyes I could see the happiness radiating from him.

"I've been waiting to do that for too long now" he whispered.



Hey! I don't know if it had been a long time since I updated last, I loose track of time because of my work, but here you go! Part two of the first Decomi One Shot!

What did you think?

Guys! I see you're voting on this story and I've never felt more proud f something! Those votes mean you're liking these and that makes me feel things.

Which is rare itself.

Anyways! If you want you can follow my twitter, I don't bite. @haiorheymaik

I can't say when I'm going to update because I don't know, but I'll do it as soon as I can.



Ps: hopeless fountain kindom is my bitch.


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