Jack Daniels (Jordomi)

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Jordan got me drunk. Well, technically, I did. I was the one to get the Jack Daniels from the counter.
I'm drunk because of Jordan. There, better.


That's easy.

Mixed emotions and confused feelings.

Ever since the guys told me how they felt about me, I've been a mess. They came at me with those confessions and now I don't know what to do.

I'm scared, because I like them, the three of them, but there's only one that makes my heart skip a beat.

I don't know if it's because of his blonde curls or his wide smile that makes me this crazy, but it's been hard containing myself ever since I found out that he likes me.

I try to keep my cool, to seem like I don't like them this way, for the musketeers' sake, but it's hard.

It wouldn't be if Jordan would step away like Declan and Bennett. They got the point. They know I don't wanna ruin any of this, our friendship.

But Jordan does not get it.

Every time we are left alone in a room he just won't stop.
He always comes closer to me than appropriate, putting his hand on my thigh or around my shoulders, complimenting me or staring at me with those deep green eyes.

I'm screwed.

But today... today I couldn't take it anymore. So I just drank and drank. And now I'm here, on the roof of the base, drunk out of my mind, lying down looking at the stars.

I took a sip straight out of the bottle, remembering what happened a couple hours ago.

He came into the kitchen, where I was making myself a sandwich. I didn't notice at first, being focused on the slice of cheese I was cutting.

And instead of tapping me on the shoulder like a normal person would do, he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" He asked.
And just like that, I felt my heart beating so fast It seemed like it was going to burst out of my chest.

"Jordan, how many times I have to tell you? You can't just do that!" I exclaimed, noticing my cheeks turning crimson.

"Then how come you haven't taken my arms off of you yet?" He said in a teasing tone and pressed his arms more tightly around me. 
I felt my hands getting sweaty and my legs felt like they were going to stop working.

What is this guy doing to me?

I let out a nervous chuckle and tried to get out of his hold, but being the stubborn guy he is, he wouldn't let me. So instead he turned me around and lifted me up until I was sitting in the counter. His hands were left on my hips, keeping me from moving.

Wanting to change the subject I took in his appearance.
"Why so dressed up?"
He was wearing a plaid black button up shirt, leaving the top part unbuttoned, with grey skinny jeans and brand new Nikes. I must confess, he really pulled it off.

"Why not?"
"Come on! There must be something!" I pushed.

"Fine." He crosses his arms.
There was a moment of silence, and I was getting impatient.

"Well? Are you gonna tell me or what?" I imitated him by crossing my arms as well.
"Guess." He got closer to me stepping in between my legs.

My breath hitched, the closeness making me more nervous than I already was.
I put my hands on his shoulders and leaned closer to him, watching how his eyes darkened and the smile he had before disappear.

"Are you finally going to tell Declan how you feel about him?" I pushed him away and I tried to contain the smile that was creeping up to my lips.

He frowned. "You know what? I might. After all, he's the next best thing."
I felt a pang on my chest. "What do you mean?" I asked, feeling confused hurt for some reason.

"You know what, Naomi? I'm done, this is stupid, isn't it? Here I'm trying and you do nothing and I'm tired of trying. If you don't like me then fine, but you have to tell me, we can't keep playing at this. I really do like you and for what you've been doing lately I thought that you did too."

"But-" I started.
"But nothing" he cut me off. "I know that you don't want to ruin our friendship and neither do I, but your actions say that you want us to be more than friends. If you didn't want anything to happen, you would have pushed me away and not lead me on like this."

I didn't know what to say, I was left staring into his eyes, taken aback by his confession. It made me feel bad because, after all, he was right. If I didn't want anything to happen I would have told him to stop, but I didn't.
I really like him, but I'm scared. I'm scared of what the guys would think. I told them I wouldn't be choosing between them, but if I do something about my feeling towards Jordan they will think that I chose him. I can't do that, not to them.

But I don't want to leave Jordan like this either. I'm in too deep now to not do anything about it, so I did the first thing that got to my mind.
I hoped off the counter, and just when a few feet away from him, he snapped.

"You wanna know why I dressed up? Well, I was about to ask you out. But that doesn't matter, does it? You will lead me on again and I'm not signing up for that. If you change your mind, you know where I am."

With that, he stormed out of the kitchen without a second thought.

What have I done?

So instead of going after him like a rational person would, I turned around and grabbed the Jack Daniels and now I'm here. In the roof of the base drowning my problems in alcohol and thinking about why I deserve him.

I don't. I know I don't.

I'm being selfish. I know I don't deserve him, but I want him. Is that wrong?

let me know if you want me to continue this.
I don't care imma do  it anyways.

Anyways, thank you guys so much for 1k reads! That's insane!!

Luh yu,

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