Jack Daniels (jordomi) - Part two.

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I woke up with a pounding head and an arm wrapped around me.


I tried to get out of whoever's arm that was. How did I end up here?

Last thing I remember was being in the roof laying down and looking at the stars wondering my whole existence.

"Stop moving!" The arm's owner complained.

"Jordan?" I asked in realization, my eyes widening and a panic like feeling spreading through me.

I tried to push his arm off, but he just pushed my body closer to his. "Shut up I'm sleeping." He demanded.

"No. How am I here?" I asked. "Did- Did something happen?" I whispered. I was afraid my drunk self did anything I would regret. Or not.

"Other than you coming drunk out of your mind  into my room late at night and telling me how hot and sexy I am, nothing at all." He told me, his voice raspy since he just woke up.

"What!" I exclaimed, feeling embarrassed and receiving a laugh from him in return.

I tried to turn around, but his strong grip wouldn't let me. "Could you please let me go now?"

"No." He snuggled his head in my neck.

Goosebumps started to form on my hole body and I felt like I was going to through up. In a good way.

"Okay but seriously-" I started, finally being able to turn around to face him, though his arm was still around me. I met his green sparkling eyes and I realized that I was very comfortable in this position. Like my inner self knew this was okay.

"-what happened last night? Because, I mean, you know I wouldn't admit that out loud." I finished. Suddenly, his smile widened and I realized what I just said. 

"So you admit it,  huh? My checks reddened and I looked away from his eyes.

"Nothing happened, I swear, you came in here almost crying telling me how sorry you were for what happened yesterday. And me, being as awesome as I am,-" I gave him a questioning look. "- I forgave you. You kept repeating that you didn't deserve me, that you are selfish, over and over again. Which, I'm telling you now, is not true."

His face turned more serious with each word that left his lips. I was at a loss of words. I mean, what am I supposed to say?

"You deserve the world, Naomi. You are the strongest person I know. The question should be the other way around. How can I deserve you? You are funny, kind, smart and beautiful, in that order. I'm just a blonde dude, trying to impress a girl by making some funny jokes and sarcastic comebacks. Anyways, after that, you just laid on my bed and told me if you could stay here and I guess you already know the answer to that." He finished.

"Wow" I whispered. "I didn't think I could like you any more than I already did." I confessed.

Yes, I may have been crazy that I told him that after what happened yesterday, but I couldn't take it anymore. I just had to tell him, after all, you can not control the heart.

And my heart was telling me to go for it.

I had nothing to loose, I know that if it didn't work out in the end, we would still be friends. l know because, after all, I need him in my life.

He may not be boyfriend material for all I know.

"Wait. Did you- Did you just- What?" He stuttered. His eyes were staring at me in the cutest way possible, like a puppy.

Yes, I just compared Jordan with a puppy.

"You heard me." I stated, losing back a smile.

"Say it again." He demanded and squeezed my hip. I forgot he still had his arm around me. "Say it fifty times. Say it in french! Whatever! Just say it!" He exclaimed, his eyes radiated so much happiness that I had to say it.

"I like you, okay?" I said returning the smile he was giving me.

"What took you so long, woman?" He exclaimed and threw himself on top of me, giving me a bone crushing hug.

He buried his head on my neck and I let out a giggle. "You're crushing me!" I tried to push him off. But he just turned us around, making me be on top of him.

"Well isn't this comfy." He said. I lifted my head, looking at him right in the eye smiling. I noticed the closeness we were in and let out a nervous chuckle.

"You know, yesterday, when I got off the counter, I was about to kiss you." I confessed with confidence. I don't know where it came from, but it came.

I've never been like this, the only times I'm confident is when I'm making a sarcastic comeback or something. But I guess that if I wasn't confident, I would not have a chance with Jordan. I mean, his ego is bigger than this house.

"We're you?" He asked, taken aback by my statement.

"But then you stormed off, I didn't know what to do, so I just drank that Jack Daniels Bennett saves, don't tell him it was me." He laughed at that. "But I'm kinda glad I did, I mean, I wouldn't be here if my drunk self didn't decide to come to your room."

"I'm glad too. You know, you can still do it if you want." He smirked.

"Do What now?" I asked, pretending to be confused.

I wanted to kiss him, of course I wanted, it's all I've been dying to do since I found out that I liked him.

You know the confidence thing I told you just now? I take it back.

"Fine. I'll do it." He stated.

He didn't even finish the sentence that he crashed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes instantly, enjoying the touch.

But then I remembered. I leaned away and exclaimed "I haven't brushed my teeth yet!"

"I don't care." He whispered, this time he put his hand on the back of my neck, pushing my head towards his, making his lips crash into mine again.

This time I kissed back, moving our lips in synch. My heart started beating was faster than ever, and just when I was about to put my hands on his cheeks, he turned us around, Having him hover over me.

This time, he slipped his tongue into my mouth, searching for mine and finding it. He dominated the kiss, leading me at a slow pace, savoring every moment while it lasted.

My hands were roaming his hair, tugging at his blonde curls.

He let out a moan and just when I was getting hungry for more, he broke it off, leaving me breathing heavily.

He started to kiss down my jawline into my neck, sucking and biting.

I let out a moan, I didn't know where it came from, but it did. Then I realized that was happening and I froze.

Jordan noticed and stopped kissing my neck. "Too much?" He asked, biting his lip.

"A little." I blushed.

I brushed the blush away, took his neck in my hands and kissed him again, trying to remember every single moment that happened that morning.


if this isn't a quick update I don't know what is!

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