Your World

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and i watched you build a new world of your own,

from the place you were born in, grew up in, moved to and traveled to,

from the oceans where your tears spilled and the icy glaciers where your troubles began

to the deserts filled with drought of your unspoken words left yet to be said

and the volcanoes that responded to your anger

and the colors of the lights of your cities showed me who you really are

and the galaxies that showed your imaginations

to the flowers that bloomed even on the darkest times told me your strength

and the abyss that lays underneath us, under the oceans,

showed me how your mind works;

you're the world i still haven't known

and yet still to be explored .

i will go through all the troubles just to get to know you.

because i am your best friend.

you are to beholden to me, dear friend.



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