The Tutor

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Dramione Oneshot
Hermione and Harry walked out of the Gryffindor common room, and started downstairs to meet Ron in the library.

It was a very rare occasion that Hermione would ever get Harry and Ron to both agree for a study session with her. Hermione loved to tutor her two best friends in whatever they needed help with.

Harry and Hermione walked inside the library, which was practicly empty. Ron sat alone at a table for four in the back of the large room, and there was another 4th year boy sitting closer to the front of the library.

This was the infamous Draco Malfoy, enemy to Harry. Harry has rarely seen Malfoy doing actual work, and he was always so shocked to see him come back to Hogwarts each year. He thought that Malfoy was here just to annoy him.

Hermione and Harry quietly walked to the back of the room and took their seats next to Ron.

"Alright, Harry and Ron. " Hermione started with great enthusiasm in her voice.

"Alright, Hermione. Let's get to the point. I have other things to get to." Harry said with slight annoyance. He loved Hermione and all, but he did have Quidditch practice in an hour.

"So I hear you need some help with..what was it now?" Hermione looked through all her books trying to find the correct one.

"Potions. I can, um, barely pay attention in that class." Ron mumbled.

"But you are amazing at Potions, Ron!" Hermione smiled.

"Oh. Well.." Ron whispered.

There was only one reason that Ron and Harry both agreed to come here, and it was not because they needed help.

It was because Malfoy needed help.

Earlier that day, Ron and Harry ran into Malfoy, and he did what he always does, insults them with a sneering face.

But Malfoy seemed to be a bit more open today, and confessed a little crush he had on their best friend Hermione. The two were very confused as to why Malfoy would share that, but it was clear then.

Malfoy agreed not to pick on them for the rest of the month if they found a way for him and Hermione to get close to each other.

So, Harry thought of having Hermione tutor Malfoy, and Ron came up with the plan of agreeing to get tutored, but then turn her over to Malfoy.

"Nobody shall know of this moment." Malfoy said earlier than day.

"Okay, okay." Ron and Harry said in unison to Malfoy.

"But someone else I know may need tutoring in potions, because he is always caught up in getting Snape to take points from Gryffindor. " Harry slowly turned his head to Malfoy, and Hermione shuttered.

"No way!" She aggressively whispered. "I will not tutor that...that..."

"Hermione, he won't pick on us the rest of the month. That is heaven. Please, just this once." Ron pleaded, and Hermione turned her head to him. He sat there alone, looking down at the table which had a book opened in front of him. Malfoy focused on the book, trying not to look up at the trio.

"Erm....fine." Hermione clasped her hands over all her books and walked over to the table where Malfoy sat, and she placed all her books down on the table. Harry and Ron hid behind a bookshelf to watch the whole thing.

"Why, hello, Granger." Malfoy smiled. Harry was surprised he could do anything but sneer.

"Hello, Draco." She cleared her throat, pulled a chair out and sat down. Hermione looked very tense, almost nervous.

Harry and Ron peered through the cracks between the books and watched as Hermione rambled on about potions to Malfoy, who payed very close attention to her every word. Malfoy had even taken out some parchment to take notes so he could study them later on. Hermione had even taken her chair and moved it next to Malfoy, which made Ron's jaw drop and Harry's eyes widen.

After about an hour, Harry was off for Quidditch practice, and Ron had left of bordem and disgust, so he went to watch Harry practice. Even the lady who worked in the library went into her office room.

Hermione and Malfoy had stopped talking about potions, but began to talk about their lives. They differed in many ways, but they still seemed to keep a conversation going.

"I'm sorry I ever called you a Mudblood. You are a very talented witch." Malfoy said with glee.

"I forgive you." Hermione couldn't get a smile off her face. She never would imagine being here, next to Draco Malfoy, and actually enjoying herself.

"I guess we should go, our houses are expecting us. " Hermione said, looking at Malfoy.

"I'll take you back, in case monster’s decide to show up." Malfoy jokes. Hermione and Malfoy gather all their books, parchment and quills, and walk out of the library. Malfoy hold all his books in one arm, while Hermione struggles to keep all her things in two. As she drops stuff behind her, Malfoy picks it up and adds it to his pile. When they reach the door to the Gryffindor common room, Malfoy stops Hermione in front of the door.

"Thanks again. " Malfoy smiles.

"A-any time." Hermione stutters.

"Here are the things you dropped." Malfoy gently places them into her arms.

"Oh, thank you. " Hermione smiled awkwardly.

Malfoy and Hermione stand very close to each other, and Malfoy places a peck kiss on Hermione's cheek.

"Bye, Granger. " He sets off down the stairs. But, Hermione sets her things down and chased after him.

"Wait!" She smiles, and Malfoy turns around. Hermione walks close, gets on her tippy toes, and places a gently kiss onto Malfoy's lips. She holds his pale white face in her small, warm hands. Malfoy drops his things by accident, not even noticing. He picks her up in his long arms, and holds her tightly.

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