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Perspective {Harry} ~ A Drarry Oneshot

It was a cool, summer day which most of the kids would like to spend outside, but we are cooped up inside Hogwarts for classes. Ron, Hermione and I were walking to Charms , right after we had finished potions.

"What kind of magic do you think we are gonna do today?" The always curious Hermione asked.

"I have no clue. Probably something you will be the first to master, and then everyone else follow in your footsteps." Ron said sarcastically, giving her a friendly punch on the arm.

"I think Ron's right." I chimed in, and we all started laughing. We weren't afraid to admit that Hermione was the smartest one, because we all knew it anyways. We made jokes about it all the time, and she loves it just as much as we do.

"Wanna take it back to first year when, and I quote, was going to take someone's eye out?" Ron smiled.

"Oh shush." Hermione blushed.

"Hermione, you have got to do it." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Do what?" She got redder.

"You know exactly what he's talking about." Ron backed me up.

"No, I don't." She continued smiling at the ground. We arrived at Charms class a little early, and all sat together towards the front, because we all know the Slytherins like to take the back seats. Ron pulled out his wand, and began to imitate Hermione.

"It's Levi-"

"Oh, okay, okay.." she blushed. She sat up as straight as possible, pulled out her beautiful wand, and began her first year impression.

"It's Levi-O-sa, not Levi-o-SA!" Her voice was higher pitched, and she made the same scrunched-up face that she did when she was in year 1. Ron and I laughed our throats dry.

"Priceless!" Ron breathed. I was rocking back and forth in my chair, holding my chest.

"It's not even that funny!" Hermione was holding back all her laughter.

"Mione, yes it is!" I said, finally catching by breath. Ron was barley in his chair.

"Alright, that's enough, lets focus and get ready for class." She pulled out a quill and ink, along with her Charms book and parchment. I took deep breaths and followed her lead, while Ron was basically on the floor. While he was laughing, I heard footsteps into the room. It was the Slytherins, and Draco Malfoy standing out most. His white-blonde hair slicked back perfectly, his green robes draped over his tall body, and his bold, grey eyes shining. His lanky arms held his bag over his shoulders.

He caught me by surprise surely, and also Hermione and Ron. He looked genuinely handsome. Ron had stopped laughing and was looking back at Malfoy with an angry look. Hermione looked stunned, and I couldn't help but be taken aback a little. He and his group took a seat at the table right behind ours, and Hermione shuddered a little bit. We both turned around, and Hermione and Ron both looked at me.

"What is he doing!?" Hermione whispered to us. Ron shrugged.

"Someone special, maybe." I joked. Like Malfoy would ever care about someone.

"As if." Ron laughed quietly. Then, Professor Flitwick stumbled into the room, and we all cracked open our books to page 214.


After Charms, Hermione, Ron, and I had a free period. We really had to press the teachers to give us our free period at the same time. So, we decided to go out to the courtyard and enjoy the beautiful day that it was out. But it was so strange, because today durning Charms, I couldn't stop thinking about Malfoy, it was quite odd.

"It's so lovely out today." Hermione cracked a smile, and had a little pep in her step.

"Most certainly." Ron smiled at her, and she smiled back. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jerked around, and saw Malfoy.

"Hey, could you follow me?" Malfoy asked, his grey eyes looking desperate.

"Into a trap? Yeah, I'll pass." I turned back around to my friends. I swear Ron mumbled something with "stupid" and "git" in it.

"It's not a trap." He pleaded. I turned back around.

"Okay, fine. Hermione, Ron, if I'm not back in 30 minutes, I'm dead." I joked, and they waved me off. I started to trot along behind Malfoy.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just follow." Malfoy said, still walking fast.

"Okay." I said. I stayed silent the whole walk, which I was used to from the Dursley's. We ended up arriving just in the middle of a grass field, where there was nobody to be seen.

"Here." Malfoy said, sitting down in the grass.

"I'm very confused." I said, sitting down next to him, oddly close.

"I need to tell you something, and this isn't a joke, or a prank, or a game. I swear. Hear me out." He started, laying back in the grass. I decided to lay down next to him. I was shocking myself with my every move.

"Okay, talk." I said quietly.

"Harry, ever since year one, I have. Had this massive crush on you. I wanted to be your friend, I wanted to be able to talk to you without bickering." Draco started, and obvious lump in his throat. I was shocked, one, because he called me Harry, and two, he likes me?

"It's okay, keep going." I said, and brought myself to wipe the tear running down his cheek. His skin was soft.

"And it's taken me so long to work up the courage to tell you." Draco said, sitting up and fiddling with his tie. I stayed silent, I was so shocked, and so many thoughts crossed my mind.

Have I loved him all this time too?
Was the bickering all out of love and denial?
Does he really love me?

"I love you, Harry." Draco finally spat out. I couldn't help it. I said it.

"I love you too." I was shocked, and I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek. While I was still laying down in the green grass, Draco was perched up looking down at me. He smiled a smile unlike anything I have ever seen from him. He then bent down close to me, and pressed his soft lips against mine. Our lips locked tightly, and we kissed passionately for at least a minute. Then we pulled away slightly, our faces still close.

"Everything I imagine, Harry." Draco lay himself ontop of me, grabbing my face in his warm hands.

"S-same for me." I was lost for words, I loved him. This was the last thing I imagined would happen. He used his thumb to wipe away the tear from my face. We lay together for at least and hour, and it was the most magical thing ever.


"Think he's okay?" Ron asked, looking concerned.

"I think he's fine. Judging by the way he looked at Draco in Charms today. I have a feeling he is just fine." Hermione smiled.

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