Dressed Too Quickly

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~ Perspective {Draco} ~ Based on post above ~

Well, well, well.

Nobody would ever believe that a Slytherin and a Gryffindor, especially this certain Gryffindor, and myself, would ever end up together. But guess what? I guess what they say is true. The line between love and hate is very thin.

Harry and I have been seeing each other in secret for almost a month now. Nobody knows, not a living soul. But I just couldn't help myself; his glowing green eyes and perfectly messy hair. The way he smiles, and once you get to know him, you can tell which smile is real and which one is fake.

The one thing that still gets me is why. But I try not to overthink it too much. Because I'm incredibly happy and I hope Harry is too. I've never felt better.


"Harry.." I groaned as he rolled over in his sleep, tugging all the covers with him. Not even a peep from him. I tried to fight him back for the blankets, but his grip was tight.

"Err." He mumbles. He throws the blankets at me, leaving him without any. He curls up in a tight little ball. I throw them back at him and slip out of bed, just throwing back on my clothes from yesterday. I slipped my tie into place.

"Get out of bed, sleepy head. We have to go to breakfast." I said, tying my shoes tightly.

"Fine." Harry rolls out of bed, and I throw him his clothes, and he puts them on lazily.

"Alright, now I'm going to go back to the Slytherin common room so it doesn't look suspicious, the two of us coming out from the Gryffindor common room." I say, grabbing my bag and head for the door.

"Alright, see you at breakfast." Harry mumbled. I cracked the door, looked left and right then sped walked to the Slytherin common room. Many looked at me as a passed, but I kept my head down and kept walking. I approached the door, and cracked it open, and walked in.

"Where were you?" Pansy asked, not looking up.

"Out." I said, sitting down in a chair opposite.

"That excuse will not work for you much longer, Draco." Pansy rolled her eyes.

"I was out." I shrugged. Pansy shook her head. She stood up, and walked out of the room. Many other Slytherins shuffled out of the room occasionally, but I say and wondered to myself, how much longer is this secret going to last, and if it surfaces, how will it? How are people going to take it? I stand up and make way for the door, my bag dangling at my side. I walk past many people, who give me an odd look. I don't even bother to wonder why. I enter the Great Hall, and take a seat away from the lot of people.



I sat down next to Ron and Hermione, who had already half finished their food.

"Harry, this is going to have to be said. Where have you been going every other night?" Hermione bursts out saying.

"You just miss me, I come in late. I have work to do." I said, puzzled looks plastered on Ron and Hermione's faces.

"Blimey, Harry, you can't lie to us." Ron said, resting his head on his fist.

"I'm not lying." I said, feeling my cheeks growing warmer.

"Yes you are! Your cheeks are all pink!" Hermione said, pointing a finger at my face.

"No, they aren't..." I pulled my hands over my cheeks.

"Oh dear, what are you hiding from us now?" Ron said.

"Nothing!" I said. I kept my hands over my cheeks, as I felt them get even warmer.

"And why is that slimey git coming over here for?" Ron asked.

"Harry, are you wearing a Slytherin tie?" Hermione asked, looking down at my chest.

"Erm..no?" I said, looking over at Draco, who had a red and yellow tie tucked neatly under his shirt. I looked down at my shirt, where a green and silver tie was tucked.

"Harry, what the hell!" Hermione said.

"Harry!" Ron half shouted. Draco came over to me, and dragged me by my wrist out of my seat.

"Dammit." He whispered in my ear, kind of sending shivers down my spine.

"Well..." I said, kind of confused.

"Let's switch our damn ties!" He burst out, pulling out the knot, and I followed his lead.

"You know, the red and yellow doesn't look half bad on you." I smiled.

"And the green and silver on you." Draco winked as we exchanged our ties.

"Let me guess, Pansy and Blaise spotted it." I tilted my head.

"Yes, and Ron and Hermione for you." Draco said.

"Yes, now go back to the Slytherins before people start to stare." I said.

"Harry, we can't keep this secret forever, you know." Draco said, seizing my wrist as I tried to walk away.

"For now, we need to try." I said, trying to free myself.

"Harry." Draco said, then grabbed my face in his hands, and placing a messy kiss onto my lips.

Is he insane?

I kissed him back shortly, then realized the stupidity. I pulled back.

"Draco!" I said.

"What? I love you, and I think people should know." He smiled innocently.

"I love you too, Draco." I said. They know already, right? I place another wet kiss onto his lips, and he picks me up into his arms. The room gets noticeably quiet, but you think we care?


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