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Sirius's Perspecitve, Set in the Marauders 7th Year

It was a cool, spring day, and I decided that us Marauders needed some quality Marauder time together (not like we don't get that all the time). I actually decided upon this because Remus seemed to be excluding himself whenever we went out anywhere, he would stay back at the dorm, his books cracked open on every inch of his bed, his loose sweaters drooping from his arms, and his tea mug gripped firmly in his hand. But, this time, I grabbed his sweater ass and demanded he come. He agreed, as long as he could bring his tea. Why he cared for that damn mug so much, I have no clue. But what I did know was that Remus was slipping from us somehow, and I could not let that happen.

James adjusted his glasses as he stumbled up next to us. "Where are we going?" He asked, flustered and a bit lost.

Peter snorted. "Where are you coming from, James?" He questioned, his eyes slowly looking down at the buttons of James's flannel.

I couldn't help but bust out laughing as hard and as loud as possible. "OooOooOoo... Prongs!" I yelled, heads turning our way.

James fumbled his hands down to his shirt, re-doing the buttons, which were off by one. "What are you talking about?" He said softly, eyebrows furrowed.

Peter and I continued to laugh, knowing exactly where he was coming from. "Hey, on a completely random note, how is Mrs. Potter, erm, I mean Lily?" I asked, elbowing him in the rib cage.

He flinched. "She's good. Very good. So good." James said, his eyes drifting to far off places.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Love. Bleh." His tone was sarcastic, but at the same time it wasn't.

James just blinked very slowly. "Anyways, where are we going?" He proposed the question again.

I crossed my arms as we kept walking. "Oh, yes. Just make sure you follow me, don't get lost." I said proudly. My eyes slowly drifted over to Remus, who was one pace behind the rest of us. He was wearing a grey, wool sweater that was 10 sizes too big (maybe not that many, but he could fit another person in there). His tea mug was almost covered by the right arm sleeve, but it was still visible to me. His shaggy, dirty blonde hair sat on his head very messily. If only he would listen to my hair advice. Somehow, he made this sort of look work.

We kept walking and walking, and we soon reached an empty field on the grounds of Hogwarts. It was one we had never been to. There was lots of grassy areas here on the grounds, and this was the last one we had to visit before being to them all.

I stopped in the middle of the field. "We have arrived, my friends." I inhaled and exhaled deeply. James immediately shifted forms, turning into that stag we all know and love. He ran wild and crazy, like a kid with too much candy in them. Peter followed in his tracks, turning into a rat, and I lifted him to James's back, when he came to a halt. I decided to stick back with Remus, because I knew James and Peter would want to run wild, so this was basically a devious plan to get Remus to come outside, and talk to me.

Remus sipped from his tea mug, then he rolled up his sleeve. "10, May." His small voice spoke.

I scooted closer to him. "What was that?" I asked.

Remus pointed to a scar on his arm. "10, May." He repeated.

I sat there, confused. "What does that mean?" I questioned, looking right at the long scar along his arm.

He cleared his throat. "I was 10 when I got this. It was in May." He answered, then he rolled down his sleeve like he was nervous.

I nodded. "Oh, woah. How can you even remember? You probably have 100 scars." I said.

Remus sipped his tea again. "I hate them. A lot. So why not try and make them cooler?" He mumbled, his eyes down on the grass, not even looking up as James and Peter almost ran us over.

I stopped in my tracks. "Remus, I love your scars. They make you who you are. Who you are is amazing." I said, before I could even stop myself.

Remus's eyes widened. "Y-you think so?" His words were jammed.

I smiled. "Of course." I said softly.

Remus stood up, and he pulled his sweater off. He then proceeded to take off the ragged t-shirt underneath it. My jaw dropped. How was his body just magically so perfect? The scars only defined him even more.

He laid down in the grass. "Pick any scar." He looked down at his stomach.

I was so baffled by his doing this, I could barely move. "Okay." So I pointed to one right above his belly button.

He squinted a little. "14, July." He said with ease.

"This one."

"15, December."

"That one."

"13, April."

After almost every single scar on his body, I finally said something else. "That is really fascinating, you know?" I exclaimed.

Remus fixed his gaze on his feet. "Thanks. You know, I've only ever done it by myself. I've never done it like this before." He stammered, letting his mid section bask in the sun.

I grinned. Remus and I sat together for a really long time. James and Peter even left us here. They didn't even question Remus sitting there with no shirt on. They just went with it.

"Hey." Remus said pretty randomly.

"Hello." I said back.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked, sitting up and facing me.

"Anything." I answered. So, Remus scooted himself really close to me. Our knees were touching, that kind of close.

"I love you." he blurted, his eyes fixed right on mine.

Before I even said it back, I just interlocked our lips together. His lips just felt like Remus; soft, pure, innocent. His hand on my face felt like an angel was touching me. As I dreaded pulling my lips away, I said "I love you too, Moony."

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