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Perspective {Harry} Set in "8th year". Based on post above.

The wind was blowing over my shoulders as I walked back inside for potions. I decided to let Hermione and Ron spend their free period together, because I feel like they don't have enough alone time together. I'm always around. So I just didn't go to the decided meeting spot.

This year, not many familiar faces came back. Hermione, Ron, Neville, Seamus, Dean, and myself came back from Gryffindor. A couple Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Draco came back too. He dropped his attitude, and he's really on a path to become a better person. But he still thinks its so funny to mumble stuff during class. We basically have every class together, so that's just more time to hear his stupid complaining.

And I really thought he was going to do better. Man.

I strode inside, weaving though lots of younger student towards the dungeons. I ended up spotting Hermione and Ron ahead of me. I took longer strides, and tapped them on the shoulder.

"Harry!" Hermione shrieked. Ron jumped when she screamed.

"Relax, it's just me." I said, a little struck my her scream.

"Why didn't you meet us, mate?" Ron asked. I sighed.

"Ron, you know why. I'm a third wheel. It's...odd. Okay, enough said. Lets go to class." I said, walking through the doors to potions.

"Harry, we love you!" Hermione burst through the door.

"I get it. Just drop it now." I said, pulling out a chair towards the front of the class. Ron and Hermione pulled up on either side of me.

"But we don't want you to never hang around us." Ron said, looking a little upset.

"It's not important. I love you too guys, but you guys are in relations now and it's important to spend time together." I said, pulling out my books and readying myself.

"It's also important to spend time with friends." Hermione pleaded on. Will she just drop it?

"Drop it!" I said. Ron gave her the he's-in-a-mood-back-off kind of look. Then in came Draco Malfoy. He didn't have his whole squad behind him, which was odd. He was carrying all of his own things. Probably part of the whole becoming better thing. Ron and Hermione kept quiet until class started.


After class, we all paraded to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Harry, we really should talk!" Hermione pleaded yet again. I'm gonna explode.

"Hermione, really. I want you guys to spend time together. Believe me. We can see each other in the morning, during classes, and at the end of the day. Spend your free period together. Spend time at meals together." I said. I really loved them together. She needs to understand that they need space to do couple-ly stuff.

"O-okay. Fine. But we are still sitting together at meals." Hermione crossed her arms as we walked towards DADA.

"That's fine." I said. Ron nodded in agreement.

"Sounds good, mate." Ron said. I turned my head around and saw Draco trailing closely behind us. He stared at his feet as he walked, a sad look in his grey eyes.

"Think he's okay?" I asked, still looking at him as we walked.

"He's fine. He's Draco." Hermione said, pushing my face back forward.

"Don't beat yourself up about him, Harry." Ron said, patting my back.

"O-okay." I said, trying to sneak a look at him again. He still looked at his shoes, and he still looked sad.

"Harry, he's fine. He's been though a lot over the past few years so just leave him to his sulking." Hermione said as we walked through the hallway towards class. I didn't say anything back to her, and then we walked into class.

"You guys sit up front. I'm sitting next to Draco." I said.

"What!" Ron said.

"Yeah, just don't ask." I said. They sat themselves up in the front, and I sat myself next to Draco. He didn't say a word. He acted like everything was normal, so I did the same. Professor instructed us, and we began to do our work. Draco continued to mumble remarks under his breath. I was going to crack sooner than later.

"For God's sake, Malfoy, is there anything you do like?" I snapped at him. He was taken aback my my attitude.

"You." He mumbled, just enough for me to here. Before I knew it, I had grabbed his hand in mine. What was I doing?

Did I have a crush on him too?

"Follow me." I said before I could stop myself.

"O-okay." He mumbled. I pulled my cloak out of my bag, and threw it over us. "Where a-are we going?"

"Just out here." I said. We walked out of the classroom through the cracked door. While still under the cloak, I grabbed his delicate face and kissed him straight on the lips.

"I-I.." he started.

"You looked a little sad and lonely earlier." I said, still holding his face.

"I feel like I am." Draco said.

"Not anymore." I said, and placed another kiss on his lips.

"Are you gonna be my boyfriend?" He asked.

"That's what I'm implying if you couldn't tell." I laughed. We walked back into class, and did our work together, occasionally reaching for each other's hand.


Draco walked out of class holding hands, and we walked past Ron and Hermione.

"Hey, you guys can spend all the time you want together." I winked. Draco smiled back at them. Ron and Hermione's jaw dropped.

"That's why he cared so much."

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