Memes and Why We Need More Advil

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"Dr. Jekyll, I think it's time that you learned some modern cultural skills", Wisteria stated. She handed the doctor a stapled packet of notes and pulled up a document on her phone. "Today I'm teaching you about memes.".

Dr. Jekyll skimmed through the notes, scratching his head in confusion. She sighed and began to explain what she meant.

"A meme is a method of transmitting humorous information across the internet, usually in the form of a picture with a caption. Now, I would like you to try making a meme."

Handing over her phone and hoping that he won't drop it, she waited for him to attempt creating his first meme. Very soon, he announced that he was finished.

"Wow, that was fast. Let me see what you made.", she said with a smile.

Dr. Jekyll tilted the phone towards Wisteria and her expression changed to confusion and annoyance.

       " I captioned an image like you requested. This meme explains a subculture in my era known as Japonism.", he stated.

     "No, memes are supposed to be jokes. Here, I'll show you one that my mom made.", Replied Wisteria while flipping through her phone's gallery. "The difference is that you don't put down the answer because the reader already understands it.".

He nodded his head in understanding and requested another try. Wisteria gave him the phone again and was not surprised when he took her statement too literally.

"I don't get why you put down 'What do a dog and a tree have in common?'. Look, they're basically inside jokes. That's why you don't need to explain them.", she stated while clearing the slate for a new meme. " Here, let's give this one more go."

This time, the meme was created even faster than the others. She looked down at the phone and face palmed at what she saw.
"All you did was type in 'Mr. Hyde.".

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