What Hyde Bought in Soho

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On what seemed like a normal afternoon, Wisteria was dusting some bookshelves in the study when she tripped over something and fell down. Getting up, she discovered something that she had never really noticed before - there was a loose floorboard near the fireplace, almost like a small trapdoor. She left the room briefly and returned with a large flathead screwdriver.

" Let's see what is behind trapdoor number one. ", she whispered to herself while prying the board loose. As she had suspected, there was a small compartment hidden under the floor. Reaching inside, she pulled out a tarnished metal container.

Though it was hard to read, she could make out a name scratched on the side. It was that of Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll's alter ego. She sighed and took the container to a table.

" I should have known that he would have at least one secret hiding spot. Though it would be rude to go through his belongings, I'm extremely curious as to what's inside this thing. Whatever it is, it must be very interesting. "

Just as she was prying the lid off, Dr. Jekyll walked into the study with a list on a slip of paper. He was about to go through his bookshelves, but stopped once he noticed Wisteria with the container. He swiftly ran over to her and attempted to take it or cover her eyes, but it was too late. The lid clattered onto the floor and she retrieved a stack of photographs from inside.

         " I...I can explain! "  The doctor shouted, visibly blushing a deep red. " Mr. Hyde's appearance is frightening and not very charming at all. Whilst I was staying in Soho as Hyde, I was unable to find a female companion. Therefore, I resorted to...other methods to entertain myself. As you can see, these methods are less than noble. "

Wisteria placed the photographs down on the table and calmly turned to face him.

        " So what you're telling me, is that you couldn't get a date and bought nude photos? ", she summarized. " I can see why you would not want anyone to know about this. Do not worry about the photographs, I happen to know that 19th century photographs go for quite a decent bit of money on the museum market. ".

Calming down, Dr. Jekyll picked up the box lid and placed it beside the photographs, then walked back to the bookshelves. Wisteria glanced at him and quietly muttered to herself.

" There are things that I am quite thrilled to help him with. At first it was just getting him back to normal, but I have begun to consider finding ways to 'entertain' him. ".
She smiled and blushed a little herself, then watched him exit the study. " One day...I am so going to hit that. "

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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