Chapter 9

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Our car stops at the airport. We still have half an hour before our flight to Saudi Arabia. I don't know how, but among the nervousness and scaring scenarios playing in my mind, somehow I was excited — excited to be back to my hometown, my birthplace. Sure, that place holds memories I don't even want my enemy to suffer. But, I had issues with humans, not from the place. I still remember the times I would sneak out of the house and wander around the streets of Dammam. It was just nearby to my house but seeing the view of my place somehow calms me down. Makes me forget all the bad stuff.

I would call this 'the height of coincidence' as we are heading to a five-star hotel in Dammam. We come back to the place we are most afraid to return.

While I was busy in my own little world, I didn't realize Mr Aadil, who was speaking to me, suddenly stops and is just staring at me. I didn't know what to do or say so I did the stupid thing — let out a nervous laugh and asked stupidly, 'uh, what were you saying?' He seems quite angry but quickly hid his expression and with a blank face he stated, 'Nawal...'

Okay, I'm dead. He calls his employees with just their names only when his anger level is the most; it's beyond controllable, at least that's what I heard. But somehow I was being calm as if he won't be killing me.

'If you can't even pay attention to whatever I'm saying, how in the world would you be paying attention to our conference in Dammam? Be careless next time, don't even think you will be working with me.'

That scared the daylight out of me. Quickly I stated 'God, no. I'm extremely sorry that I wasn't listening to what you were saying. I was lost in my own thoughts about going to Dammam, also I'm really nervous and also the fact that I don't want to bump into my...' No This is the second time my tongue slipped. Way to go, Nawal. Wait for a few more moments, I'll be saying my entire life story.

I clear my throat and start my sentence again, 'I mean, I'm sorry. I promise this won't happen again. Now can you repeat whatever you were saying?' I said the last line in an embarrassing way, lowering my voice.

'Let's see that later. As I was saying, we will be staying for two week-' I was shocked. Two weeks is plenty of time for my parents to figure out that I'm back! Immediately cutting him I bombard him with questions, 'what? Why? Why you never told me this? I won't b-' I was cut from my rambling and saw his face, again, radiating anger.

'Let me remind you again. Nobody, as in nobody stops me when I speak.' He stated that in a much louder voice making me flinch again. Oh, not again! I need to stop flinching every time I hear him or anyone speaking in a much louder tone! They are not them. They are not them...

Seeing my reaction, his features soften and speaks in a lower tone, 'all I'm trying to say is that, don't interrupt me when I speak. Well, as I was saying, we will be staying for two weeks. Just got the message from one of our clients. They want to conduct a few meetings and then finalise everything. And if you still don't agree with me, my car is still outside. I'll call my driver and he can drop you to your house.' I was a little relieved when he said. But again, all my hopes crushed when he said, 'also, don't come to work from tomorrow. Ever.'

So he's really the boss in everything, isn't he? I sighed and nodded as I am left with no energy to argue. Our time passes quite quickly with him bossing me around.


We are going on his private plane. And not just any ordinary plane, a place with his name on it. Well, not exactly his name, it was "The Sheikh", but it's the same. And oh, my! The inside is too filled with expensive stuff — from furniture to seats, bathroom, a freaking dining table? Wow. This guy and his family are mega rich. Even if I spent my entire life working and sell my organs, I won't be reaching his level. Well, I'm happy at my level too. Kind of.

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