God, today is really a busy day. I am feeling tired, but the extra sleep I got is helping me. Currently, I am trying to finish this last file as fast as I could and then make a report on it and email it to Mr Aadil. My job is to design clothes, not to rectify the designs. But, what am I doing? rectifying.
I am done with this. It's difficult to find the mistakes and then to finalise. He doesn't check what I do and says it's alright. Yet somehow he did judge me. Anyhow, I need to do this. I need to prove to him that I am not what he thinks. I'm more capable than what he thinks.
Finally! I'm done with making the report and mailed it to Mr Aadil. Now I am just waiting for his reply so that I can forward it to the executive department. I was free as I waited for his so I started preparing tomorrows schedule for him. Got to use all free time you get so you won't be full of burden.
Within two weeks we are going to receive a huge project by which the company would gain lots of profit. I just want everything to go smoothly with that project. Fortunately or unfortunately I am the one handling this project. So, fingers crossed for this. Sometimes, I feel quite surprised. Like he didn't trust me enough for his office job but he trusted me with this project? Is there, like, his twin brother here or what? Or is he bipolar? Well, whatever. I'm somehow going to get adjust with his nature. I just have to do this all the time. Adjustment...
Currently, I'm standing in front of Mr Aadil's office as he still didn't reply to my email. Seriously? Is he sleeping or what? Curiosity and as well as desperate to find my answers, here I am. I waited for his reply. After a few moments, he casually replies, 'come in, Miss Ibrahim' the voice spoke. Wait, what? I swear I didn't hear myself speaking. How the heck he got to know it's me? As I enter, that's the first thing I question, 'how did you know sir that it was me there?' He was casually sitting at his desk and typing something fastly on his laptop. Without breaking his contact from the screen he replies, 'the employees in my office are required to knock only once, you did it twice, so no doubt it was you.' He told with a smirk on his face. I really dislike his smirk. He always does this as if he knows I won't be answering and he won the game. I just want to wipe that smirk out of his face. Anyways back to the point. Why did I come here? Oh, yeah, regarding the report.
'So, sir, I wanted the reply of the email that I have sent you regarding the report,' I stated.
'Miss Ibrahim, I've checked the report and the designs again and I feel its better than before, so go forward with the execution of it.' Hold on. Did he just...sort of complimented me? Not that I don't know what I am capable of. Of course, it will be better than before as now there are no mistakes in it as I have rechecked it again. But this Grumpy Guy will never appreciate me...
'Miss Nawal, you will get appreciation when you will achieve that level where you will be truly rightful for the appraisals from me.' Okay, I swear I didn't say this out loud. Who is this person? Reading faces and all the stuff?
'No!' My voice came somewhat different than my usual voice. I cleared my throat and said again, 'No. I totally understand what you mean sir. I'm sorry.' I said quickly so he won't have a bad opinion about me. I hight doubt he wouldn't ignore our past meetings.
'It's okay, Miss Ibrahim. By the way, you might have already have received the mail from our planning department about the major project that is going to be handed over to you. Am I right?' He enquired.
'Yes, sir. But sir, I'll be needing to choose my own team members for it. I should be knowing who is perfect for which work. Can you help me by giving the list of your best team members?' I asked him so I can get my perfect team. He handed me over a list of employees with there job of interest.
'Miss Nawal, this is a very important project which I want it to be done perfectly. I have given the best names in this list. From them, you can choose who you feel is best. I hope by this you know the importance of this project for our company.' He gave me this detailed explanation. Okay, but can he please be less serious? This feels as if I'm trading weapons and drugs for money. I get it. This is really important. It kind of scares me. Not that I will be saying this to him.
'Yes, sir I'll try my best and will give my full potentials to the company.' I checked the list and saw they are more than fifty members! I only needed around 20-25 members or less. Wow.
'I hope so. Looking forward to it, Miss Nawal.'
'Thank you, sir.' With this, I left his office and rushed to my cabin.
I made a schedule for my self too and highlighted the job of choosing my team. I cleared my workplace and rushed to the parking lot to go back home.
After reaching home and prayed Asr and Maghrib prayers, I decided to do something.
I am actually really excited to go to Malaysia. I always wanted to see the famous twin towers, have their traditional foods and maybe get to know more History.
I'd be lying if I say that this doesn't scare me. I'm freaking out! What if I messed up? This indeed was a huge project for the company. Besides, I really don't want to give Grumpy Guy any chance of thinking about how incapable i am.
Getting a bit more nervous, I decided to pray Isha and read Quran till I'm sleepy and went to bed and sleep, hoping the nervousness stops right here and not follow me in my dreams.
Hey! What's up, guys? Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let us know what do you think in the comments below!
Love Y'all💕

SpiritualBook 1 in 'Mend Series' He screams at me, slapping my face twice, 'You deserve all of this! You don't even deserve to live. You should die and do me a favour!' I shield my face, making him more furious. He stopps slapping and I had only few seconds...