I hateee CBSE for spoiling my holidaysss. Can't they just let us stay happy for a while. Agghh, soorryyy for the rambling but they have spoilt my mood since yesturday :'(
Third person's pov
The time to bid bye to Nawal's small gang, had come. Aadil was waiting in the car for Nawal, whereas she was stuck to Aziza.
"Aziza, please i don't want to hear any complains about you from anywhere. Be a good girl that you are. Behave yourself and do not irritate Naushin. Help her in household. You know its a problem for her to make breakfast in the morning, just get up early and make for yourself and her. I've kept my few left over savings in the cupboard just use it when you in need, i've informed about it to Naushin also. Other times i'll try arranging for your ed. Baby am repeating myself again study-" Nawal was cut in by Aziza who was controlling her emotions plastering a smile on her face.
"Ohoo, this is the nth time you saying this i will study well, no complains from school and abt helping sister Naushin, that i do even now and to keep you burden free i'll take care of her too. So please you just don't worry and please take care of yourself. Any need, am just a call away!" With that she hugged Nawal tightly.
"Me too!" Naushin spoke hugging both of them. "You know that Nawal!" She whispered to her.
They broke the hug reluctantly. Nawal's eyes were blood shot red. Aziza could not control her tears, she ran to a corner, so as none could see her break down. Naushin on the other hand was making Nawal have a grip on her self.
Honking of the car horn, caught the attention and Naushin rushed Nawal towards the exit.
Aziza was still stuck there unable to send off her sister. "Miss blabber, why ain't you seeing off sister Nawal? Ehh why you crying?" Ayaan stood infront of her looking into her eyes trying to understand her pain.
"Don't you know she is my sister? What do you want me to do? Dance cause she is leaving? Worst part is i dont even know whether i will be able to meet her again...soon enough." She whispered the last part but that did not go unheard by Ayaan.
"Oh thats the case, then don't worry. If you want i can help you in that. But only if you want!" He tried to lighten the atmosphere.
"How will you?"
"Eh? You know he is my brother, well cousin but more than a real one." He smiled painfully but soon covered up "i keep on visiting him everyday well most of the time i am at his place when free. So i can take you to meet her. You want that?" He offered Aziza.
"You won't mind picking me up? I mean why would some stranger try helping me out?" Aziza questioned.
"Stranger...um that was earlier now i know you. Okay not your name but still i know something about you and trust me i'll get to know you much more." He stated determined.
"Lets see inshallah, but thank you. By the way, am Aziza, Aziza ibrahim. Got to go Allah Hafiz." With that said she was about to walk away when she heard him saying his name 'Ayaan Haider'. She turned back and smiled, acknowledging his response and walked towards the exit.
Nawal's eyes searched her baby sister but could not find her. Losing hope of not seeing her for the last time, she reluctantly sat in the car and the car took off. But soon she felt Aadil pointing towards the window, she saw Aziza waving at them, smiling widely.
Within 15 minutes they were outside the Sheikh Mansion. The place where once Nawal had come with Aziza and Naushin, all the memories came flooding down, and a tear escaped her eyes thinking about those moments.
Soon enough she heard the opening and closing of the door, on seeing the owner of that action, she realised its just she who was sitting alone in the car and Aadil had already left her alone.
She walked towards the house and entered it. Sarah was standing near the entrance along with Ayaan to welcome her. She was glad to have someone who truly cares about her as she had thought that she would be alone here with him.
But that pleasant thought was short lived. She was soon fed with the information that Sarah was going to leave to her place as well as Ayaan, who had no plans initially but upon Sarah's insistence had to leave.
She was now confused, tensed and scared but above all tired. She just wanted to stretch her back and drop her head on the pillow. And have atleast one good sleep. But not everyone gets what they wish for, isn't it?
She was shown her room and she walked towards it. Upon opening the door, she was welcomed with an accusing look of Aadil. The next moment she was pulled in and thrown on the couch roughly. He glared at her and left the room.
Nawal, being confused at his behaviour, stood up and walked towards the walk in closet, in search of her clothes. She found her dresses placed at the end. She picked up a long dress and all the necessary items and went to freshen up.
Once done with her work she laid on the bed and as soon as her head fell on the pillow, sleep consumed her. Suddenly she felt something cold on her. Upon realising it to be cold water she stood up just to meet an angry Aadil...
As Salam Alaikum
Am back with a new update. What are your reviews about this chapter?
What about Aziza and Ayaan's relation?
And any comments on Aadil and Nawal's?
Lastly, am still stuck with my last paper, cause suddenly CBSE came up with the idea of reconducting the exam. So i've got no idea when it is going to be held. But just want to let you all know that it may take a few days for a next update. BUT I WILL TRY MY BEST TO WRITE DOWN THE CHAPTERS AND GIVE AN UPDATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Until next time...💖😘

SpiritualBook 1 in 'Mend Series' He screams at me, slapping my face twice, 'You deserve all of this! You don't even deserve to live. You should die and do me a favour!' I shield my face, making him more furious. He stopps slapping and I had only few seconds...