Chapter 3

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Lily's POV:
I woke up from my nap and it was currently 4, dang I slept for a long time. As I'm fixing my bed I hear the garage door open, as I look out the window I see it's my mom, she must've just gotten home from work. "Lily" my mom yells. Yeah mom I say while running downstairs? "Oh nothing I just wanted to make sure you were home" she says. Okay, how was work? "It was good, Im really glad I took this job opportunity I'm so much happier here than my old job." I'm glad mom as long as your happy. "So what'd you do today." Well Grayson came over this morning, and we just watched Greys Anatomy for a little bit and then he left. "Oooooooohhh so like a date" she said. No mom it was not a date, just 2 friends hanging out watching T.V. "That's what they all say" she says. "Anyways sweetie you need to get ready because the Dolans invited us over for dinner tonight so make sure your dressed nice." Mom I always dress nice whatchu mean. "Yeah yeah go start getting ready" she says. Okay I say as I run to my room to start getting ready.

*2 hours later*

Lily's POV:
So I just finished getting ready and I know what you're thinking it takes you 2 hours to get ready... no but it takes 1 hour to straighten my hair because it's soo thick, ugh I hate my hair so much. Anyways I decided to wear a nude pink skirt with a black low cut crop top along with black heels, and I did light makeup and straightened my hair. "Sweetie are you ready." Yeah, coming. I made sure I grabbed my phone, unplugged my straightener, and turned off my light."Sweetie you look gorgeous." Thank you mom I said as I followed her outside and we walked to the Dolans house.

Graysons POV:
I was downstairs helping my mom with dinner because she said we were having people over. I heard the door knock so I ran to the front door and opened it and wow Lily was standing there with her mom looking beautiful... I was speechless literally because she said something and I didn't even hear her. I'm sorry what'd you say. " I said hi Grayson." she said then smiled. Gosh her smile is so contagious. Well come in, umm the kitchen is straight ahead. As soon as she walked in I grabbed her hand and said you look beautiful into her ear, I knew she was affected by it because she didn't move she was frozen dead in her tracks. Well aren't you coming I said with a smirk.

Lily's POV:
We walked up to the door and my mom knocked, we were just patiently waiting for someone to answer and then Grayson did and I was like Hi Grayson but he didn't say anything he was just standing there staring at me, and he finally snapped out of his thoughts. Me and my mom walked in and right when I did he grabbed my wrist and whispered into my ear "you look beautiful".... it sent shivers down my spine and I was just frozen, I couldn't think until he said, " well aren't you coming or what." What is this boy doing to me.

*dinner time*

So it was Cameron, me, Grayson, and Ethan and then across from us it was Lisa, my mom, and then sean." Everything looks amazing Lisa" my mom said. Yeah it really does Mrs.Dolan. "Sweetie call me Lisa" she said. Okay I said while laughing. I could feel Grayson's eyes burning into my soul. I felt uncomfortable, I felt like he was watching me take every bite of my food. "So Lily" Cameron said. Yeah, I said as I directed my attention to her. "Do you wanna spend the night, maybe you and me can hangout" she said. Umm I looked at my mom I'd love too, mom is that okay? "Yeah that's fine sweetie, Lisa it's okay right?" Of course don't be silly you guys are welcome anytime, Lisa says. "yayayayay girls night" Cameron says. "Cmon let's go" Cameron says as she drags me up to her room. Thank you so much for dinner, love you mom I say while being dragged up the stairs.

Grayson's POV:
Yes she's spending the night, which means I get to spend more time with her, get to know her better. The only hard part is trying to get her away from Cameron.

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