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    ~Ethan's POV~
I pause my movie and go get the door. "Lacey." I say. "Hi Ethan." She responds. I open the door wider for her. "Come in." I suggest.

She smiles and she walks in. Awkward tension builds. We haven't exactly broken up, we just haven't talked in a bit. After the fight, I just felt like she needed some time.

I mean I did. So why wouldn't she?

"What's up?" I ask her. "I wanted to talk." She answered. "Ethan-" I cut her off. "Hold on. Lacey, I just want to apologize. You're right. I was being childish, an-"

"Ethan I think we should take a break!" She raised her voice and spoke over me.

Keep it zen, Ethan! Zen.

"A break?" I ask. She looks down. "Yes." She answered. "Now am I allowed to ask why or do you wanna take a 'break' from that too?" I ask.

"Ethan you know why." She stated. "Because I pushed your fucking cousin?" I ask raising my voice. I inhale angrily.

Ya know what. Fuck zen, and it's sister.

"It's just a break." She reminded me. "There's no such thing, as a break. Lacey I don't want to play these games. Don't fucking sugarcoat it saying it's a break. Like we stop talking for a few days then we're back together! It's not like that and you know it. So if you're going to break up with me then do it. But don't show up at my house with this god damn 'break' bullshit." I suggest.

"Then yes Ethan! I wanna break up. I just don't think it's working." She told me. "Don't think it's working?" I ask with tears welling in my eyes.

I blink them away. "Everything was fine. We were fine. Then your cousin shows up giving his consent and discontent, and suddenly there's a problem. You don't even see it." I pointed out.

"No Ethan you don't fucking see it. God. You're a child. As soon as you get a bad rep, you wanna start a fight. Show everyone you're this tough guy but really it makes you look like a douche bag! You put up some stupid guard because you're so afraid everyone will leave you. And I came here because I thought we could do this like adults, but apparently not." She vented.

"No the hell we can't! You show up telling me you want to break up with me because, oh I hurt little jackies feelings. Yes I'm mad. And you keep referring to this guard I put up. But I let it down for you and look how this turned out. You care to fucking much about what people think. You need approval from everyone, or you're not satisfied. Do you ever stop to think about yourself?" I ask.

"I love you Lacey. And now you're saying that I'm going to lose you because of some stupid disagreement with your cousin." I confess. I see tears slip from her eyes.

I laugh hysterically and feel the tears wet my face. "You did what you came here to do. Now get the hell out!" I order upset. I open the door and stand by it.

She opens her mouth to speak but I make sure to speak over her. "Just leave!?" I demand. She looks at me with sympathy but I avoid eye contact.

"I'm sorry." She says on her way out. I wipe my face before looking at her. "Well you can take your apology and shove it." I assure her before I slam the door shut.

I sniffle and look up at the ceiling, making sure no more tears fall. "Ugh. Fucking females." I say aloud, in frustration. I look over at the stair case to see Grayson and Emily there. I roll my eyes and sit in the couch.

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