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Footsteps echoed empty hallway, making its way to the office. With a small creak of the door, the purple eyed girl, and the boy with strange dyed hair entered the room.

They were here early, wanting to get their things before this place would be flooding with judgmental eyes. Sierra held a grip on the straps of her backpack, eyes on the secretary. Before they could make eye contact, her eyes shifted down.

"Were here for our schedule." Dalton spoke up for the girl, knowing that nerves were flooding her mind.

The secretary gave a small nod, and turned in her chair, opening a cabinet. Pulling out two folders, she held them out to the two. "Do you need anyone to show you around?" Her voice was sweet, but slightly forced.

"No, we've got someone already showing us around... Thank you though." Dalton grabbed the folders, handing the one that had Sierra's name written on it. She looked at the minella folder in her hands, hair hanging in her face.

They both made their way out of the office, and soon people were flooding the halls. Sierra's grip on the folder tightened, her nails almost going through it. Dalton placed his arm on her back pack, helping her through the halls, keeping an eye out for Parker.

While he was doing that, she was looking through the folder to try to take her mind somewhere else. She zoned out the chatter of the people around her, looking through the schedule she had. 'Mostly AP classes... great.'

She then held up a slip that had a locker number on it along with a combination. She tapped Dalton before holding up the paper in front of his face. He gave a nod, pulling out his own to see that he had just a one digit higher than hers.

"Let's go check out the lockers, then find Peter." Dalton spoke, and with that they were looking for the lockers.

She felt eyes on them, and being her she didn't enjoy much of the attention. She knew they were just curious about the new students, but she just wished the stares could be toned down.

Her thoughts were soon cut off as they stopped in front of lockers. She looked for the number of hers, before making her way over to it. Seconds later it was opened up and she took off her bag. Unzipping the bag, she started to sort her things in the locker while Dalton threw his things in there.

She rolled her eyes, wishing she hadn't come up with being siblings. Being related to a slob, and idiot wasn't going to help her. She took the schedule fully, scribbling her combination onto the paper. They closed their lockers in sync, before turning to each other.

"Sierra! Dalton!" They heard someone yell their names. They turned to see Parker running towards them. Once he was in front of them, he leaned against the lockers. Sierra took in his appearance, a collared shirt with a sweater pullover, and some pants. Cute. "Sorry about the wait."

"Its fine, totally fine." Sierra replied, slinging one strap of her back pack over her shoulder. "We found our lockers, so just one less thing you have to show us."

Dalton watched the both interact, a smirk on his lips. He placed his elbow on Sierra's head, messing up her brown locks in the process. "Yeah, totally fine Parker." He spoke In a girly tone, batting his lashes.

Peter's cheeks flushed a red color, before nodding. "Well follow me, and I'll show you around, we've got time." He turned before walking down the hall.

Sierra pushed Dalton away, before punching him in the stomach. "Quit it!" She hissed, a scowl placed on her lips. She then made her way after her new friend. Dalton just stuck up the finger, holding his other hand against his stomach.

"Damn she's got strength."

• • •

"So what's your name darling?" Sierra was currently making her way to the cafeteria, trying to ignore the boy that kept pursuing her. She kept quiet, keeping her head forward as she walked.

Through the day the nerves had slowly went away as she became slightly visible since her height helped her with that. She had heard though that her brother was making quite an impression around the school.

She flinched as she felt a hand stop her from walking. "I'm talking to you." The boy spoke, turning her towards him.

"And I don't want to talk." She replied, brows furrowed. "Now if you excuse me I heard we were having pizza, and I really like pizza." She pulled her arm out of his grip before turning away, and stepping into the cafeteria.

A few minutes in the line, she had grabbed the school food and looked around. Her eyes scanned the place, trying to find Dalton or Peter with his friend Ned. She quickly spotted Dalton with people surrounding him at a table. She was about to step over there until she saw Peter out of the corner of her eyes sitting with Ned.

With a slight turn she headed towards them. Placing down her tray, she sat right in front of them. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here." She spoke softly, a small smile against her lips.

She glanced at the two awkward boys, "Yeah, no problem sitting here. No problamo." Peter responded, leaning against the table. Ned just gave a shrug, before looking at the tray in front of the small girl.

She grabbed the pizza off her plate, taking a bite of it. It wasn't the best pizza in the world, but not the worst. With a few bites she placed the slice down. "So what are you all talking about?"

"Nothing really, just about Spiderman." Ned glanced at the girl as her eyes lit up with confusion.

"Spiderman? Is that a new superhero or something going around?" She raised a brow, leaning forward a bit with interest.

She was always interested in superheroes, since she had shared something with a few. Powers. She had a weird power herself, lighting shooting out of her fingertips, and heightened senses. It was strange, but so we're the superheroes she read about.

"More like a vigilante." Peter replied, watching the girl.

She nodded, "Well I think it's time for a new guy around. I mean it'll be interesting learning about him."

"You like superheroes?"

"Yeah, I've always had a slight fascination with them since I as a kid." She smiled, before taking another bite out of her pizza. "They're pretty cool."

Her eyes met Peter's, making her heart flutter. Never had she shown attraction for a person, but this boy right in front of her was something else. Something interesting.

"Yo Sierra!" She let out a sigh, eyes breaking the stare. Peter had felt his face heat up once more, Ned nudging him.

Sierra turned, seeing that one guy that was following her around with Dalton. She let our a sigh before raising a brow as in a sign on continue. "Wanna go on a date?"

"No, I do not want to be seen with an idiot." She spoke up, eyeing the boy she didn't even know the name of. "You're not my type anyway." She turned back around, giving her two friends a grin. She heard the sounds of shock, and laughter behind her, but she decided to ignore it, only wanting to finish the pizza on her tray.

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