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They had soon made their way back to the apartment, and as they stopped at the door, Sierra stopped Dalton from going in. "What?" Dalton questioned, looking down at the small girl, brows raised.

"Someone is in there." She whispered, before opening the door slowly. Her eyes darted around the place, not seeing anything out of place. She walked around cautiously, her steps quiet. Dalton followed her in, closing the door. He hadn't sensed anything at all, so he just guessed that she was being paranoid.

"Dude no one is in-" Dalton was cut off as Sierra threw a knife past Dalton, imbeding itself in the wall. He looked behind him to see Peter in shock with the knife near his head.

Peter's eyes widened, heart racing. Sierra made her way over, "My God Peter, I'm so sorry!" She rushed, pulling out the knife from the wall. "I thought you were an intruder, and I just-" She tossed the knife aside, inspecting him to see if he was okay.

"It's fine." He gave a small smile, gulping down the salvia that built up in his mouth. "Your door was unlocked, and I thought you both were here, and I walked in. When I noticed you all weren't here, I was bout to leave, and yeah." He let out a small laugh, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well let's be glad she doesn't have deadly aim, or you would've been dead." Dalton let out a laugh, wrapping him arm over Peter's shoulder. "So wanna play some video games?"

• • •

As the next day came, both had gone back to school, catching up on the work they had missed.

Sierra was currently sitting in her class, looking out the window. For some reason she just couldn't concentrate at the moment. Her mind was just in another world, thinking of events that had happened yesterday.

She literally met the Ironman, and was most likely on his radar. He didn't see her face, or Dalton's, but he knew their eyes, and it would be easy for him to find Sierra. Dalton could easily keep his normal, while hers she could not.

"Sierra!" She snapped out of her thoughts, eyes now landing kn the teacher in front of her. His arms were crossed to mostly likely try to intimidate the small girl, but it wasn't working one bit. She just gave him a raised brow as if to continue his speech. "Answer the question written on the board."

Her gaze switched to the board, nails tapping against the desk as she comprehended the question. "The answer to the equation is negative fourty-five." She replied, eyes now back on the teacher. "Anything else sir?" Her tone was like he was mocking the older man, a smile on her purple lips.

He looked close to snapping, but before he could the bell had rang. She stood, barely reaching the teachers shoulders. "Good day." She then turned away, walking out of the classroom, leaving the students both shocked, and amused.

"Dude, that was sick!" She glanced to see the boy that had asked her out. She now knew this boy as Flash Thompson. She rolled her eyes before turning back, making her way to the cafeteria. A yelp then escaped her lips as she was pressed against the lockers. "Why do you ignore me?"

"Because I'd pretty much prefer the school food then you Eugene." She spat out, looking up at the boy in front of her. "Now let me go before I punch you in your face."

"Or that you prefer Parker over me." Flash replied in which Sierra, closed her mouth. She felt her cheeks heat up, but she shook her head. "Oh really, I don't believe you!"

"Hey, let her go!" She heard the familiar voice of someone, but before she could look, she felt lips on her own. Her eyes widened at the action, and in a second she had pushed him away.

She looked up at a grinning Flash, purple lipstick smeared against his own lips. As an instinct, the palm of her hand made contact with his cheek, sending him to the floor. "Don't ever kiss me again, got that!?" She then glanced over to see a shocked Ned, and Peter.

Stomping over, she gave them two an irritated look. "Is my lipstick smeared?" She asked, in which they both gave a slow shake of the head. She then grinned, "Good, now let's go get some food!"

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