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"Dalton hurry your ass up, were suppose to be over there by 7!" Sierra was waiting by the door, tapping her foot against the tiled floor.

Dalton came running from his room, stumbling slightly for the soles of his shoes were worn out. He stopped in front of her, giving a childish grin. She looked at the clothes he was wearing, a brow raised.

"You look like a complete fuck boy..." She murmured before shaking her head. A sigh escaped her red lips before opening the door. "Let's just go, and be on your best behavior."

"Yes ma'am." He said with a salute, making her eyes roll with irritation. She hopes that she won't have to deal with him at school.

Walking down a few doors, Sierra brought her fist to the door, giving a few light knocks. Seconds later May had opened up the door, greeting the two with a warm smile. "Come on in, make yourself at home. Peter has a friend over if you don't mind."

"Not at all." She gave a smile before they had both stepped into the place. "Very lovely place you've got here."

"Thank you!" May closed the door as Dalton and Sierra took their shoes off so they wouldn't ruin anything. "Make yourself at home, dinner is almost finished." With that May had left, going back into the kitchen.

Dalton plopped himself on the couch, Sierra sitting beside him. She was a little hesitant to relax, not wanting anything bad to happen, but Dalton was already leaning into the couch. "Ah we need to get a couch like this."

"It wouldn't fit the decor in our apartment." Sierra responded as she looked around. She tapped her fingertips against her thighs, before leaning back. "We would have to change the whole place up, and that would cause-"

Her eyes snapped over to the two males that entered the room, shutting up her rambling. Dalton glanced over giving a small smile, "Yo!"

"Hi." Peter breathed out, eyes gazing over to Sierra. As their eyes met, Sierra grunted as Dalton nudged her side a little too rough. "This is Ned, my friend."

"Nice to meet you Ned, in Dalton, and this is my little sister Sierra." Dalton grabbed the girl, messing her hair up with a nuggie. She rolled her eyes before grabbing his arm, throwing it aside. She then stood, straightening out her shirt.

"Cool..." Ned trailed off before eyeing his friend Peter as he kept his eyes on the girl. Peter snapped out of his gaze before giving an awkward laugh to try to clear the air.

"Sorry my brother is a bit weird, don't mind him." Sierra ran a hand through her hair, pulling the curls away from her face. "It's really nice to meet you Ned."

"Dinners ready!"

• • •

"So what grade are you both going to be in?" May was curious about the two, watching them eat. Sierra placed down her fork before turning her attention to the older woman.

"I'm in 10th, and Dalton here is in 12th." Sierra replied, answering for Dalton as he was enjoying the food too much. "We start Monday at Midtown high."

"Peter and Ned go there. They're also in your grade." May glanced over at the two boys listening to them speaking. "I'm sure they would show you both around."

"Uhm yeah!" Peter spoke up, eyes snapping over to Sierra. He felt his cheeks heat up, and his gaze lowers to his food.

"I'd like that." Sierra gave a small smile to the boys before turning to her 'brother'. "Right Dalton?"

He wiped his mouth with a napkin, before giving a stiff nod. "Uhm yeah sure, plus it'd be good to know some people at school... Plus I need to keep an eye on this one, with all of the-" He was cut off as Sierra kicked him inner the table. "Dad said for her to not be around boys much." He covered up, making Sierra facepalm.

"Great, of course dad would say that." She murmured to keep up the lie.

"Were you born with purple eyes." Her eyes met those of Ned's. "I'm just curious."

"Yes." She have a stiff nod, picking her fork back up to eat. "Its a medical condition I inherited from my family. Dalton is lucky he didn't get it, people usually stare a lot."

"I think your eyes are cool. Makes you unique." Peter said, stuffing food in his mouth before he could ramble on about them.

For once in her life Sierra felt the heat upon her cheeks, along with a brighter smile than usual. May looked between the two with interest. "I hope your dad doesn't mind being friends with these two."

"I'm sure he won't mind." Dalton chuckled, putting his arm around the purple eyed girl. She snapped out of it, her smile disappearing.


• • •

"Thank you so much for the dinner May." Sierra said to the lady, Dalton already back at the apartment. "It was really good."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. If you ever need anything just come over, alright? Don't be afraid to ask." May gave a girl a small hug before pulling away.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Tell Peter and Ned that I'll see them at school." She stepped back, making her way to the apartment.

"Will do, have a good night sweetheart."

"You to May."

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