Chapter One.

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Author: Photo above is unedited of Yukino Yukinoshita, from My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected. Also, it's almost 6am, so if I make mistakes or this isn't written real well, I apologize. 

My eyes scanned the room as I walked into my first class of the day. My friend, Kagome, had been back in school the past few days and I was hoping to see her back again today. She was always sick, which caused her to miss more school days than she was actually there, and every time one of us tried to see her, her grandpa or mom insisted she was too sick for company. Kagome really had the worst luck, coming down with every illness possible, and even ones I hadn't heard of!

I wondered what it would be this time that caused her to miss. I considered that she may be late, but once the second bell rang and class started, I knew she was out again. 

I was worried about Kagome, so I made the decision to go see her at lunch. Whatever it was had just come on, so she couldn't be that bad off yet, or maybe her grandpa wouldn't be around for once and I could sneak up to see her. I knew the old man meant well, but she needed company beyond her family. I was her friend, therefor her family as well. 

When the bell rang after the fourth class, I grabbed my bag and headed to the bus that would take me to the Higorashi household and shrine, getting off at my stop and headed up the large hill.  (Author: I don't think Japanese students can go off campus for lunch, but she either snuck out, or we'll just pretend for the sake of fiction, lol.)

By the time I got to the top of the hill, I was panting, even as someone who considered herself to be in shape. I leaned against the pillar of the entrance to catch my breath when I saw Kagome come out of her house. She was wearing her uniform and had her backpack on, so I was wondering if maybe she was going to come to school for the last few classes. It seemed weird since there were only two more left, but with how much she missed, two was better than none...

Instead of heading towards me, she went to the well house. Why was she going in there? did her grandpa forget something in there or something? 

When she didn't come out after a minute, I decided to go in and see if she was okay. Just as I opened the door, I caught a glimpse of her going into the well. What the hell? I ran over, thinking she may have fallen in, but was blinded by a big bright light coming from it. 

It cleared after a moment, and I blinked a few times to regained my ability to see. I peered into the well, opening my mouth to call for her, but it was empty. Where did she go? Was there a tunnel down there or something? And what was that bright light?

One way to find out.

Securing my bag over my back, I slipped my legs over the edge and slipped down. My eyes clenched shut naturally, and it felt like I was falling forever. When I opened my eyes, I saw more bright lights and it almost seemed like I was floating. The light began to fade once more, and I was placed gently on the soil ground. There was another light coming from the top of the well, and I thought it may be someone from Kagome's family, or maybe her, having seen me jump in and was looking for me. Maybe my mind played tricks on me, and she hadn't actually jumped in. But what was that light before then? Maybe I was losing my mind.

"Kagome!? Grandpa Higorashi?" I called up. I swear, it looked like there was a tree out there... And sky? Did I hit my head when I fell, and now I was dreaming?

Kagome's head peaked over the side, and I was relieved to see there was at least someone there so I wasn't stuck. If I wasn't dreaming. "Erika? What are you doing down there?" 

"I came to see you, thought you might want company. I thought I saw you jump into this well, but I guess I was wrong... Can you help me out?" I called back. Maybe that bright light was more of my mind playing tricks on me with the shock of the fall, but I could still swear it looked like a day sky behind her, and there was no window in the well house, especially not on the ceiling.

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