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Three years have past now. Hearts are still broken, wounds still being healed. Everything's the same, yet somehow completely different.
Alex had to go back to therapy and still does, still blaming himself, but now lives in Philadelphia, helping out Faiths aunt as much as he can. Trying to make up for the wrongs he's done.
Bella still hasn't returned to social media of any sort, it hurts her too much to even think about it.
Faiths aunt is still broken over it. Alex tries to help as much as he can around the house or anything of that sort, she still doesn't know what he's done.
Chris split contact from Dan and Phil almost completely, blaming himself for not stoping Faith and thinking he encouraged it.
Zoë and Louise visit the Howell-Lester household as often as they can, doing as much to help as possible.
Dan and Phil eventually got married, a small ceremony, leaving an open seat at the front for Faith. Currently living in a house in London, they foster 5 kids, and have adopted one of their own. They take in kids from broken homes like Faith, trying to get kids into a better place until they have a home. They aren't really on the internet much any more. Too busy taking care of the kids.
And Faith, nobody knows for such what happens to her. If she was reincarnated, if she went to heaven if there is one, or hell if there is one, or total darkness. Everybody has there theories. But nobody knows which is true. All they can do is hope that she's happy wherever she ended up.


Hi! So I guess this is really it huh? We don't really know what to say. You'll be 17 later this year. We still throw you a party every year. Everyone misses you. None more than us. Oh! We foster kids now! Five of them at a time! We also adopted another little girl about a year ago. She's six and her name is Caris. She reminds us so much of you. She's really shy though. She came from a dad who brought her to us, because he was scared of what his wife would do to her. She's really adorable. God what else is there to say. We love you. We wish we could just have you here with us again. We will always remember you
-Dad and Papa {dan and phil}

To Faith,
Jesus this is weird. But hi I guess. I'm sorry for what I did. I know that probably doesn't mean shit but what can I say. I regret everything I've ever done to you. You don't even know. But I'm trying to fix it. I live with your aunt, she misses you. She's not really as capable as doing stuff around the house as she used to be, so that's why I'm here. I also keep her company. She just wishes she could have seen you one more time before you left. She says her one regret is never stepping in to help you when alyssa would abuse you. She's not gone wrote one of these because it would hurt her too much. But she misses you. And as much as it pains me to say it, I miss you. I hope your doing well wherever you ended up.

Dear Faith,
Hello! I'm Caris! You never met me but I hear a lot of stuff about you from Daddy and Papa. They said that you were sad and you left because you were to sad to stay. But that's okay! Daddy and Papa get sad too sometimes, so it's my job to keep them happy! I've had brothers and sister come and go, but they say you'll be my sister no matter what! You sound pretty cool too! Daddy is helping me wrote this because I don't really know how, but he says I'm doing a good job! I hope wherever you are you have puppies and rainbow sand candy and everything is nice! OK Papa said dinners ready so I have to go now bye!

Um, hi I guess! It been forever since we talked, well obviously, but I miss you. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you more. I should have. But, hey, guess that's my bad huh? I'm just sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I should have been there for you. I still feel like shit. On the rare occasion I speak to your parents, they say they know it wasn't my fault at all. But I beg to differ. Are you okay? Ya know, where ever you are currently. I hope you are. I hope you get to see your mom. After all, that is what you always wanted. Well I guess this is finally goodbye. But I don't really know how to say that, crazy right, so I'll just say, see ya later.

Dear Faith,
Hello! I made you huh? When I first made you I modeled you completely after myself. I gave you my traits, my habits (most of them anyways), I used you as a way to vent. And while that's still true, I've grown. You've grown with me. And my writing has really grown. I would like to think I strayed you away from me a bit. But hey, that's not really up to me is it? You had struggles. Some of which were my struggles. In fact, most of the struggles I gave you, were just my struggles intensified. But whereas I was able to get out of some of them, you couldn't. And that was what I wanted to show. That you can't always get out. Sometimes they win. But we have to fight them. And you fought for so long. And you couldn't fight anymore. I didn't write most of it, but yo constantly had things going through your head. No matter what. It was always just you, and only you in your headspace. And they're was no stoping it. You had depression, anxiety, you were slightly bipolar(not intentionally but hey), you recovered from anorexia, and you were just a fighter, and you were a good one at that. But even the best fighter has one last fight. And this was yours. So thank you.


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