You Hate Snakes, Right? (Jalex oneshot thingy)

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Note: Just something I wrote a long time ago. I was going to write a smut part to it, but decided not to as I suck at writing things like that. Soooo yeah. This is basically a really long ass one shot unless someone thinks it's worth continuing. I don't remember it that much, so let me know if something needs to be fixed. 

                  “Guys, seriously. If all you’re going to do is fight, I am kicking you both off the tour, and we’ll have to completely shut it down. Either get your acts together or get the hell off my bus!” our tour manager Matt screamed at us. I was death glaring the other half to Matt’s outburst, our lead singer, Mr. Alexander William Gaskarth.

                Gaskarth and I have gone back a long time. We were friends in high school, and I even stood by him when his hairstylist put pink instead of red into his hair. Then suddenly, he couldn't stand to be within one hundred feet of me. He started yelling at me more and making my guitar riffs much too easy while he and Zack, our bassist, got more complex parts. Today was the last straw though, when he called me a good for nothing asshole on stage.

                “I wasn't the one that started it!” I yelled in response. Alex smiled his million dollar smile, wait. He doesn't have a million dollar anything. He’s trash to me!

                “I don’t care, Barakat! Get him to stop then. Take it outside, I don’t care. Just stop with this on my bus. Have a slumber party, I don’t care! We have two days back here in Baltimore, and you two better be fixed by then, or the tour is off,” Matt growled before stomping off the bus. I was so busy hating Alex that I didn’t realize we were parked in front of my house.

                “Well, Jacky. It’s been a while since I slept over. What about it?” Alex asked with a smirk on his face as he loaded his things off the bus and into the driveway without even waiting for me to reply. I just clenched my fists and did the same for my things. Rian, our drummer, smiled at me. He waited for Alex to completely leave the bus and enter my house, which I swore I locked, before speaking to me.

                “Listen, just make things work, okay? I know it’s hard because you believe in Jalex as much as we all do, but he has Lisa, and he wants to marry her, so there is no way it’s going to work. Just smile and try not to hate him for not loving you back, okay?” Rian asked with a serious face. I giggled. How does he not know I stopped liking Alex when he started dicking around with my emotions?

                “I feel nothing toward that bitch,” I mumbled as I traced the same path that Alex had taken moments before. I went to twist my doorknob, when it didn't twist. I sat my things on my small front porch before jiggling the knob again. Locked.

                “Alex,” I called calmly through my own red colored door. Nothing. I began knocking loud enough to be heard but not enough to be considered rude. Nothing still.

                “Alex!” I called a little louder. I heard the sound of my golden retriever Baz barking, which meant Alex was with him. I growled.

                “What’s wrong, Jacky? Too weak to even open your own door?” he called from the other side. Curse that bastard!

                I gave up. Running my lanky fingers through my raven hair, I began the long trek around my house to the backdoor that I was one hundred and ten percent positive I left unlocked for when I came home drunk off my ass.

                The grass around my medium sized, white house was growing too high, the grass was turning yellow due to lack of rain and care, and the willow tree in my backyard had fallen. So much for climbing that later.

You Hate Snakes, Right? (Jalex oneshot thingy)Where stories live. Discover now