chapter five

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Rough POV

I couldn't fall asleep. I just laid there looking at the ceiling. Finally I decided to get up and wander around. From what Evan told me earlier I wasn't going home for a while. So I threw off my covers and headed down the hall to the stairs. Evan said that the rooms were sound proof which meant I could have ran my nails along the walls and no one would have noticed. This house seemed creeper in the dark. The floor boards creaked every now and then as I walked to the end of the hall and took the stairs two at a time. As I landed on the landing below I looked at the room in front of me. It was the living room and it was creepy at that. The room was a white room, which made absolutely no sense to me. Why have a white room when a pack of wolves live here? I shook my head and headed to the left. The door to the back was that direction. I might go for a night stroll, shift, try to find the boundary lines, find the weak spots, and maybe make a run for it. What? You would do the same thing if you were in my place. Forced to stay somewhere, forced to listen to someone who wouldn't let you have any fun. Heck, there were hardly any humans in this town. This pack was a large pack, in fact this pack was only thirty shy of the size of the queen's pack. 

I was lost in my thoughts as I started down the steps when someone cleared their throat. I looked around and didn't see anyone. Wolves have good eyesight but sometimes when someone doesn't want to be seen it is easy to hide, if you know how to. 

"If you're thinking I'm hiding you're wrong. I'm just not in your level of sight." I slightly jumped at the sound of her voice. I looked down to the left and saw a girl, a couple years younger then me holding her knees to her chest. She was wearing a deep green shirt and ca-mo shorts that went down to her knees, my guess was they were boy shorts, maybe her brother's, or mate's. She looked up and her shoulder-length brown hair moved off her right shoulder as she looked to me. 

"Sorry to scare you," she said. Her voice was soft, but held no real remorse. 

"You didn't scare me," I said as I started to sit down next to her. I looked at her and found that she was very attractive, but there was something about her that just put me off. I didn't want to do anything with her. Maybe it was her age, or that she looked younger, or maybe it was that I wasn't really attracted to her. I had no clue what made me not want to pin her to the deck and make her scream for more. It might of been the fact that it seemed as if she already had a mate. That might have been it, though it often never mattered to me. 

"Yeah, sure I didn't," she said as she smiled at me.

"You might have startled me," I said.

"Oh that's what the runt is going to go with. Startled. Okay I'll take that. Meggy one, runt zero," she said, insulting me twice in one fell swoop.

"Hey, I'm not a runt," I said, slightly angered by her total lack of respect towards a future alpha.

"Sorry runt, but I know who you are, and if you want to get respect from me you have to earn it."

"Can you read minds?" I asked, slightly worried that there was another wolf out there that could read minds. She quickly turned away. 

"No. Not minds," she said as if she was trying to hide something but she hinted as if she wanted me to guess what she could do.

"What then? Emotions?" I asked, and she turned to me. As she looked me in the eye I saw that I had guessed right. "Oh. Why are you hiding that from people?" I asked, confused why a special dog would do that.

"I'm not hiding it from anyone. Just the right people know," she said in her defense.

"Okay. So the runt can know though?" I asked, quite confused.

"Yup," she replied, popping the "P" at the end.

"Got a question." I said.

"I may have an answer," she replied.

"Why are you calling me runt?" I asked. She said she knew who I was, but she is treating me as if I was an omega. 

"You are considered an omega around here, since you have no respect for others, there is no respect given to you. This is how our pack runs. The ones who respect others and respect their alpha are higher then omega. Once you learn to respect others then you will be given respect in return," she replied. I looked at her as she looked off into the distance and thought that this idea was crazy. The alpha deserves respect no matter what. Respect isn't earned, it's just given. I didn't get it.

"That makes no sense at all," I replied as I shook my head. She just smiled. 

"And this is why your father sent you here," she said with a matter of fact voice.

"Megan, what are you doing out here? It's late." We both turned our heads to see Alpha Evan standing in the doorway. Megan got up and looked at me with a slight grin.

"I had a feeling someone else would come out here tonight too." She glanced up to her alpha and then back to me.

"Get some rest, you're going to need it," she said to me as a good night wish and walked passed Alpha Evan with a bow of her head. As soon as she was out of sight, Alpha Evan came closer to me. I started to get up but he raised his hand and started to sit down. He had to only be in his 20's, maybe early 30's. 

"So I see you have met Megan," he sated as he looked up to the cloudless night sky.

"She is interesting. Evan-"

"Alpha Evan here. You have not earned the right to call me by my name alone," he said, never taking his eyes off of the stars.

"Okay Alpha Evan, is she a, you know..." I trailed off. I didn't like to say their real name, in fear of exposing what they are to others around. I respected the fact that they were endangered. 

"Yes she is. And only a few people know that. My beta, my gamma, myself, and now you. That is how it is going to stay, is that understood?" he asked. I nodded. When he didn't respond to my reply, I sighed.

"Yes, understood," I said. A part of me hated it, but I bowed my head slightly. Alpha Evan looked at me with a smile.

"You're learning quickly, boy. You might not have to stay here that long," he said. 

"Really? You mean I could go home soon?" I asked. The thought of being in my own room, having the respect I deserve, and getting to do what I wanted was a great thought to me. 

"And that look right there is why your father sent you here. I don't have to have a mind link with you to know that you were thinking about going back to your old habits. That is no way to gain respect; you know that right?" he asked me.

"I don't have to gain respect. I get it when I go back home without question. I am an alpha, that is how it is," I said. I was getting annoyed with Evan. He was speaking in riddles to me. I didn't get what he meant. Others need to respect me because of my title not how I treat them.

"You will learn. You are not in power here so learn to control your mouth," He said as he looked me in the eye. I shook my head and started to walk towards the house, suddenly feeling tired. Evan was quick and I never saw it coming. He quickly grabbed my shoulder and whipped me around and slammed me against the side of the house. 

"You do not walk away from me like that. I am the Alpha here and you are the Omega. What I say goes and if you don't like it then you can keep that to yourself. You will respect my pack with your words, with your actions, and with your eye contact. Is that understood?" He asked as his voice boomed with an echo. He was using his alpha voice. I had no other choice but to bow to his command. As long as I stay here I am required to follow his rules as if he was my alpha. And I hated that. 


I know it's short, and I should make it longer. To all my addicts out there, don't worry I will have more coming soon. 




Love you all! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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