Nineteen - Nothing

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German looked sad. He was sat on the couch all alone moping about Angie. This was the perfect time to make her move. Esmeralda walked slowly over to the couch and once she reached German, seductively rubbed her hand up and down his upper arm. "Hey." He flatly replied. She grinned, "Do you want to get some dinner?"

Her potential beau sat up, "What, like a date?"

"Yes." He smiled back at her.

Violetta got more and more angry at her father by the minute. Why did she always have to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or just available to eavesdrop? Why couldn't she just be like normal daughters who didn't want to be near their fathers? That wouldn't happen though, because she loved him too much. She just wished that he would see how much he was hurting Angie. Surely he knew she was hurting her. He was an adult so he should be smart on these kind of things, but sometimes she had to overplay her role as the daughter and literally spell everything out to him. This would be one of those times.

Once Esmeralda had left the room, she snuck up upon her father. As usual, he pretended to be shocked. As always, she told him she knew he was pretending. She wasn't two anymore. This time, those words had a double meaning. She was old enough to understand the situation that her father had put himself in and how Angie was feeling right now. She also knew that she was at an age where she could talk to her dad like an adult. He had thankfully started to talk to her in the same way.

Trying to be subtle but also dramatic, because she was young enough to still have that licence, Violetta sat down on the couch beside her father. She stayed silent. Waited for his facial expression to change.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Violetta couldn't help but smile. Her father hadn't called sweetie ever. If he had, it had been a long time since.

She nodded, "Yes, I'm fine." She raised her eyebrow exaggeratedly, "Is.... Angie okay?" Poised and ready to retort, she awaited her dad's response.

He shifted three times in his seat. He uncrossed and crossed his legs. German didn't even meet his daughter's gaze for a few minutes. After unsuccessfully twiddling his thumbs - and hoping that would scare her eagerness away - Mr Castillo rhetorically asked, "How would I know that?" He shrugged aimlessly.

Oh how adorable her dad was. He tried to avoid the situation but deep down, he knew he couldn't hide forever.

Tell me you love her, dad.

Just tell me. Go on. Tell me you're in love with Angie like you always have been.

She raised her eyebrow again, hoping for more answers. It was only greeted by a pause. Another long pause. This was ridiculous.

She just had to blurt it out! "Does she know how you feel, dad?"

German coughed to fill the awkward tension in the room. He looked at his shoes, his trouser legs, the coffee table... anything but his daughter. He turned his head to her after what seemed like an hour. His chest felt constricted and he felt compelled to stand up. "I feel nothing." Angie's interest stayed bluntly. Esmeralda conveniently came into the room then and whisked both of them away.

One thing Violetta was sure of was that she would make sure that Angie and her very stubborn father were together. Even if she had to force them to see the love that they had for each other. Satisfied with her new mission, she got up, diary in her hand, and bounced up to her room.

Maria, aka Angie's sister, had to be filled in on her daughter making her sister happy. It was with the same man.... but if Angie loved him, then Maria would be happy for her.

"I'm doing this for you, mum." She proclaimed before dramatically flicking her diary open and positioning her pen over an empty page, "And for Angie too."

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