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Together, Violetta and Angie met German and Pablo. Violetta broke away from Angie so they could each say goodbye to her. There was an awkward pause for a moment because no one knew who would say goodbye first. It was like a silent argument as to who would get their words in before anyone else. German subtly nodded his head and Pablo edged forward.

He pulled Angie into a hug before starting. He looked at her, and then summoned the courage to let her go, "Angie. Angie, Angie, Angie. I've had the pleasure of knowing you for all these years. You're a brilliant teacher and you are so brilliant at connecting with kids. You're brilliant at -" Pablo chuckled, "I've used the word brilliant a lot, haven't I? Anyway, you know how to the get the best out of them, and out of all of us. All of us at the Studio love you very much and we wish you so much luck with this job. You'll be great. They'll love you just as much, but never anymore, than we do. The kids love you, the teachers love you, I love you, Angie." 

"Aw, I'm sorry!" Her red face accompanied the waterfall of tears that were cascading down her cheeks. "I didn't mean to cry." Pablo hugged her and told her that it was okay, "Thank you, Pablo. You're so sweet. I'm going to miss you. All of you." He kissed her on the cheek and walked away. He felt German pat him on the back and make his way towards Angie. It would be a lie if seeing him walk toward her didn't break his heart a bit. He would always be in love with Angeles Saramego. He would always have loved her before German. Now wasn't the time to remember that, though. Trying to smile, he saw a gentle yet sad yet happy expression come up on Angie's face. He'd never made her feel like that. She had never loved him the way he did. That broke his heart every day. 

German took both of Angie's hands. He wanted to savour what this felt like. The softness of her skin and how she always smelt like flowers. He loved that perfumed smell that always clinged to her. As if it was an epiphany, he studied everything about her. Her tanned shoes which elongated yet accessorised her elegant feet. Her flowery skirt flowed around her waist like a ribbon that went around her waist and was wide enough to cover her legs. Her shirt made her neck look swan-like and a compliment, as ever, to her face shape. Her cheeks were red, a lot redder than normal because she had been crying. Her skin, even through this, was glowing. She managed to look so radiant even in the most compromising situations. He would miss her calm demeanour. He would miss looking into her eyes and constantly getting lost in the sea. He'd want to hold her forever and twist flowing locks of her golden hair around his fingers. German would miss kissing her lips. He'd always remember the first time he kissed her. It was one of his favourite memories of her. An image of that pink dress with Spanish ruffles would forever be etched into his brain. The golden looped earrings she had on with little beads and butterflies. Her hair was curled. She wore it down. She had pink lipstick on that had a touch of peach in it to compliment her outfit. Angie looked so beautiful that day. She did now. She would always look beautiful.

"Angie..." He started to say before tearing up, "To say I'm going to miss you is an understatement. I.... I am going to wish you were still here in Argentina with us. I want you to take this job so you can be happy, of course,  but I want you to know that I will always let you into this family. I will never lock you out. That was a mistake all those years ago. I shouldn't have listened. It wasn't your fault and I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for all of the pain that I caused you and your mother. You spent years trying to find her and it's all because of me that you lost her. You've been in her life for the past two years now and you have been so amazing with her. You were meant to be here. You're always welcome in the house. Maria would want you to stay with us." A tear rolled down Angie's cheek. He gallantly wiped it away, "Oh, Angie, it's okay. She knows that I love you and that Violetta loves you. We all love you, but you know that. Ramallo and Olga will be crying for you when you get on that plane." He took her hands again, "I don't say it enough but I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you, Angie Saramego. I love you so much and I hope that you know that. If you ever feel alone in France, think of all of us, but mostly me, because I want you to think of me." His devilish smile made her melt. She really would miss the man she had so crazily fallen in love with all that time ago. Falling in love with him made her a better person. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. What he was saying right now made her believe that he did too. German kissed Angie on her forehead, "Have fun Angie. You're going to love the sights in Paris." 

A car pulled up and they realised that the time they never wanted to come had came. Angie was going to go to France. She was going to be a star.

"I guess that's my ride!" Angie chuckled, trying not to choke on her tears. She hadn't cried as much as she had now since she couldn't even remember when. Angie tried not to think about how sad this made her feel. She just had to go to Paris and get in the car.

Everyone hugged her again, one by one. She gave the taxi driver her luggage. He opened the door for her. She got in. Pablo, Violetta and German waved Angie off. 

This was really happening. She was going to Paris. Looking out at the Argentinian landscape, it truly sunk in how much she would miss this place.

She turned back to see Pablo standing with Violetta and German enclosed in a hug. They were all waving her off.

"Au revoir." She said quitely into the taxi window, "I'll come back as soon as I've done my job." 

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