"Hi! My Name Is Lela." (Part 1)

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Dedicated to:








Ya Boi (does not have Wattpad)


The minute I entered school, everyone just stared. No one said a word as I passed by. The silence was ringing in my ears and I couldn't take it. I was about to say something but I didn't need to. I had some unwanted company following me. "What the hell do you want?" I grunted.  I turned around to punch the follower but it only seemed to be a girl. She was startled but she didn't flinch. Strange wasn't it? I pulled my arm back and gave her a nervous smile. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't know you were the one following me." She gave me a reassuring smile. "Nah its fine. Anyway, my name is Lela. The principle wanted me to keep you company!" She cheered. Auntie? Wanted me to have company? Why do I get the feeling that it's all a lie? "Alright, sure! If you want. This could be a great way to get to know each other." She held my hand. "Looks like we're on the same page!" I tried using my ESP on her but something was blocking her thoughts so I couldn't read whatever was in her head. This was getting sketcher and sketcher by the moment. "Anyways, what do you have 1st period?" She asked.
"Home Ec."

"Oh, I have Science. What about 2nd?"

"Orchestra. "

"Ugh! I have Math.What about 3rd period? "


"Seriously?! I have Social Studies. What about 4th?"

"Gym. You?"

"French class. 5th?"


"Hey, me too! Finally we have something together."

Suddenly, the bell rang. "Well, first period class starts. See you later." I said.
"Bye!" She waved. I walked away quickly. Why the hell did I just tell this stranger almost my entire schedule???


I looked around for an empty table. All of a sudden, someone called out my name. "Amber! Amber!" Lela called. I rolled my eyes but waved and smiled.

I should have lied about having lunch at this time, I thought.

I approached her and sat down next to her."Hey Lela." I greeted. "Hi. I brought you lunch." She handed me a tray of mash potatoes. I sniffed it. It smelled kind of.... sweet. It smelled so familiar.  My eyes widened. I knew exactly what it was.  I pushed it away. "No thanks. I-I'm not hungry." I said, nervously. She seemed hurt but brushed it off. " That's fine. I'll just give it back to the lunch lady." She walked over to a woman who seemed to be in her late 20's. She didn't look familiar.  Lela and the unknown woman talked for a brief moment and then she came back. "So anyway, you said you go to orchestra. What instruments do you play?" Why was she noisy? "I play 3 instruments actually.  Violin, viola and piano." Again, I ask myself  why was I sharing information with a stranger??? She stared at me with awe. "That is sooo cool!" I felt kinda awkward talking about myself so I let her rant about her life and her personal problems, now matter how ridiculously annoying they were. Soon enough, I was able to escape the hell hole I call school(Got that one from BNerd524). I met up with Leo at the park. He had to leave school early for some unknown reason. What's funny was that Lela did too. She claimed that she had a doctors appointment and was scheduled to leave 5 MINUTES after Leo! Notice anything people??? Anything strange??? I sat next to Leo but he seemed kinda.... different. He was smiling. Not like a friendly smile, no. It was like a 'I'm in love' smile. If it was like an anime show, he would have hearts instead of eyes. I tugged on his shirt like a 5 year old. "Leo?" I asked. "Are you.... alright?" He turned to me and his smile grew wider. "Amber, I'm in love." I laughed. "You? In love?"I gasped between breaths. "And who that crush be?"
He sighed, dreamily. "Well, she's had brown hair, beautiful eyes, cherry lips and she's not like any other girl I've ever met before." For some reason I had this weird feeling in my stomach. Was it butterflies? "W-Whats her name?" I pryed. "Her name...."


"Is Lela."

Now I knew it definitely wasn't butterflies. It was nausea.

"Lela? Her? Dude, I would have even been fine with you being gay but Lela?! Jeez, you've got low expectations!" Emphasis on expectations.  He glared at me as if I killed his dog while making him watch (which I gladly would have done at the moment). "How could you say that?" He exclaimed. "By opening my mouth, thinking about saying it and then poof! I say it. Is that a good enough explanation?" I asked sarcastically. He rolled his eyes. "You're lucky I'm not stupid enough to push you off the bench. Oops!" Guess he was because with a rough push, I landed on my arm. I hissed painfully. I landed pretty hard and I managed to dislocate it but I simply didn't show my pain. "Dude, what's your deal?!" I yelled. He stood up. "How could you talk about someone like that? What? You're telling me you never loved someone before?!" I just gave him a bored expression. "Do you even NEED to ask me that question?" He was silent for a moment. "Good point." He grunted. He began to pack his things and started to leave. "Hey! Where are you going?" I asked. "I have a date with Lela. Don't bother waiting up." He turned around just to say, "Emphasis on the bother." Then he was off. Something was off about  that chic and soon enough, I was gonna find out.

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