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I look over at Knox who was sitting in the passenger's seat while I was driving his Mercedes. Lucky me! Men and their cars!

 My mind drifted to what happened between us earlier and I smiled mostly to myself but that did not go unnoticed by Knox. Remembering all the things he did to me I felt my body heat up.

I blushed really hard this time. This also did not go unnoticed by Knox who raised an eyebrow which I found sexy. His eyes darkened as he sniffed the air and I realized he knew that I was turned on.

"NO...not now you two," Tristan bellowed from the car in which he was following us along with Chriz.

We both laughed at his expense. God, I am becoming so horny nowadays! But what can I say, these are the cons of having a sexy mate?

"Later we will finish what we started," Knox says while looking at me and then getting out of the car to open my door.

We had come to a dead end and I decided that it is the right time to face the demons which time created unknowingly over the time.

Knox, Tristan and Chriz followed me along the dirt path. I felt my heart beat increasing with every step that we took. There was no turning back now. I had to do this. We had to do this. It was simply now or never.

We had actually come this far, a great many miles far away from home to reach here. To find the answers. To a forest at the border of our pack territory and our neighboring territory. It was inhabited. Well, that's what most people think but I knew otherwise.

"We are almost here," I said in a voice barely above a whisper. Knox came to my side and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

A hut came into view. In this deserted place where no shred of humanity or rather yet life was seen...someone lived.

Reaching the old and worn cottage we saw a door...which was camouflaged from the surroundings because of the spell on it. I remember getting lost once when I had strayed out of the house during one of my parents' nocturnal meetings. How I wish I had given thought about what they were doing we could have avoided all this.

I gave a stiff nod to both Knox and Tristan who simply  barged inside the house followed by me and a confused Chriz who was busy configuring why she had come over here except for providing me moral support.

There inside the cottage was a sight that could make anyone cringe and feel nauseated at the same moment. It was absolutely horrid and cringe-worthy.

A mauled body or rather yet bodies, human bodies were in front of us. There were mauled bodies looking at us with rotting lifeless eyes. Bodies without head, heart, hands and genitilia. The stench was unbearable and then again it was impossible to know that such a sight lay inside the house from outside because of the horrid stench.

But what was really sadistic was that these bodies were of infants or newborns. I wanted to puke at the sight of it as if on cue I looked over my shoulder at Chriz who was barely holding up. Walking further we came across a room where two heartbeats could be heard.

The beats were faint, shallow but alive... barely present.

Knox slowly opened the door and stepped inside and we three followed him.

What lay there was something...beyond imagination and comprehension for naïve minds unable to understand what the ill-effects of black magic are. I could not believe it neither could the other spectators present in the room.

We had lost and they had won. A game that started with them and also ended with them. Finally. It was the end.

A single tear slipped from my eyes as I looked over the couple lying side by side in two different coffins free from the cycle of life, the sins of the world and the deadly temptations of the world. The horrors of having a legacy and maintaining it. A simple title that could belittle the value of humanity in their eyes.

My gaze was fixated at their hands that were empty. Just like the way they had begun things is the way they are ending things. Empty handed.

We are born empty handed and also when we have to die in the same way, we take nothing with us neither to blissful heaven or scathing hell depending on our conduct nor into the coffin when the remains are buried six feet under.

Then why in between that time we develop this unbridled hunger for power?

The greed which actually causes great turmoil in our life. Rather than being content with what we have why do we always want something that isn't ours, to begin with?

Being philosophical, are we?

I smile inwardly at the comment my conscience says. I lost my wolf completely a long time ago but I don't regret it. Nor do I miss shifting into a wolf even though it is in my nature absolutely innate still I prefer life this way.

A hand snakes its way around my waist and I am pulled back into a very shirtless chest of my mate. He places his head on my shoulder as he catches his raging breath. I smile at this and snuggling back into him. I enjoy this.

Digging up the ground to lay two coffins surely does that to you.


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