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Two options. Fight or flight.

I had chosen option two yesterday. I had to run away from the situation before I could or maybe would embarrass myself anymore.

Right now, it seemed like my efforts went to waste. The dumpster around the hill mocking me. 

Midnight blue eyes which edged somewhere around black, onyx, were studying me with a keen interest.

I felt like the poster child for self-embarrassment.

"Why don't we settle scores?"

I gulped. "Settle scores?"

"Yes, I believe, that's how we roll."

I wanted to do a different kind of rolling. Face diving into my bed, under the blankets, seemed like a really nice option.

He looked at me, straight - into my eyes and started walking towards me, just like how he did yesterday. Without any hesitation or inhibition as if there was nothing holding him back, same on the lines, like yesterday.

I dug myself a grave.

"Dance with me."

Yesterday, it was a demanding request but today it was a command.

Deer caught in headlights couldn't sum up the trapped situation I felt right now. Embarrassing yourself is one thing and doing that to your Alpha is a whole level of dipshit. I am in trouble, not the jovial kind.

Slow. Calculated. Confident.

His demeanor and steps had them all.

He was observing, scrutinizing and assessing me as if waiting for me to run, but all I could do was openly stare at the fine specimen of masculine craftsmanship gaining on me. He had a determined look on his face while his eyes, they kind of screamed fuck you, held a look that was along the lines of a semi-euphoric daze.

As the afternoon sunlight came in through the slits of the curtains his raven black hair screamed brown in glee. Put in a bronze skin tone with tan and you have an Abercrombie model posing out for you - free. The deep blue- midnight black eyes seemed like the icing on a frosty red-velvet oreo cake with dark chocolate toppings.

You cannot actually tell the difference between midnight blue and onyx, yet from this distance or maybe lack of it you become a palette expert.

 Lucky me? I guess.

And, then, his lips-

Stop it Anouk fucking Clarke! For the sake of your doubtfully present sanity

He is your Alpha for Moon's sake and here you are busy staring, ogling, admiring, whatever the fuck you are doing - openly. No shame at all. Your Mother taught you better. On second thoughts, she didn't.


 By now, he was standing directly in front of me and like any other cliché rom-com, my idiotic legs had carried me back, to the nearest wall and like everything stupid soap opera he tracked me all the way back - caging and captivating me by a mere flicker of his eyes.

"First thing," he began. Is this what doom looks like but sin sounds like? FO-fucking-CUS.

"I would like you to know that the carpets are expensive. No puking or shit. If you faint I'd gladly throw you in the dumpster cause Doctor's aren't really my thing and," I was in between his arms, "Look at my ass once again and I'll give you a perfect display of it along with the ministrations I'd like to perform on yours," his breath tickled my face, "and maybe more."

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