Chapter 9: NOSY ALPHA

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Well, the next morning was also the same. I woke up next to a shirtless Knox who had an arm draped around my waist. In our two months together he had never been semi-naked around me – much to my relief. But, right now, having an arm draped around me which was quite fixated on pulling me as close to him as possible, I could not help but admire how sculpted his chest looked.

I was blushing like anything and that is how he found me in the morning. He wouldn't leave me alone. Did I mention that he came out of the shower in a towel? A TOWEL! When can a girl catch a break? 

Then he had the nerve to tease me during breakfast in his grey sweatpants with water dripping from his hair and small droplets of water splattered all over his sculpted chest – the home for the most perfect eight pack abs that I had ever laid my eyes upon. I had seen – plenty! It's a werewolf thing.

I was beyond embarrassed but I may or may not have checked him out. Again. And Knox being Knox was smirking. Mr. Know-it-all.

"Anouk?'' he called out.

"Yes, Knox?"

''I have some work to finish so I won't be home for lunch. Will you be okay by yourself?"

He was referring to what happened some time back. Since then I always had either him or Chriz by my side. And did I even mention how fond these two were of each other? Chriz became the sister Knox never had, and this gave her free access to Knox' house which we may or may not have thoroughly exploited quite a few times.

Knox was fine with our shenanigans as long as he got to hold me tight at night.

''Yes,'' I replied. Quite sure that I will be able to take care of myself but then again you never know.

He gave me a small smile as if unhappy at the thought of leaving me alone and he compensated it with a big hug. Which reminds me.

''Knox wait.''

He took long strides towards me and stood directly in front of me, trust me he was standing way too close for my poor heart!

''Yeah?" he asked looking around.

I opened my bag and brought out a lunch box.

'' us lunch. So, please eat it when you can," I said avoiding his eyes. Which he noticed as usual and so he lifted his finger and brought it under my chin to make me look into his eyes. He intense eyes still intimidate me. Sometimes.

Right now, his eyes held pure adoration.

Then came lust.

And that is exactly how you heavily make out with your Alpha in the school hallway for heaven's sake and enjoy it too. He kissed my forehead, secured the lunch box and gave me a final squeeze before he left.

A tap on my shoulder startled me.

'' scared me'', I said absolutely breathless for many reasons but being startled surely wasn't one of them.

''No girly, you scared the virgin eyes of all the freshmen," she scolded me with eyes full of mirth.

I felt my cheeks heat up.

''So, how was it?" Chriz asked as we made our way out from the last class – PE.

''How was what?" I asked all confused. Because PE was something that all wolves enjoyed and this question felt absolutely irrelevant.

''Kissing an Alpha...duh," she said while shaking her head.

I thought about it and a smile graced my face. I don't know why but it felt too personal to share what I exactly felt but then I gave up after seeing her puppy dog eyes. Leaning on the car Knox had left behind for me to come back 'home' I knew that I had to answer her – vaguely. Even though she was capable of reading what I wasn't saying I wanted to keep my feelings for Knox to myself.

''Well," I started, "I don't know about Alpha because I see mine," I said while taking in a deep breath I continued, "It is as if my body yearns for him – relentlessly. Being around him gives me a sense of protection and security. But when I kiss him... That is when I lose all my sanity because it feels as if my whole body is on fire. One that only Knox can ignite with a single touch and also relish it."

Chriz had a weird expression on her face.

Excited. Amazed. Evil.

Why evil?

Hands snaked around my waist to which I responded by a shriek. But then the realization hit me...hard.

He. Heard. Every. Single. Word.

Chriz you are oh so dead!

"We are going home Anouk...need to ignite and burn, don't we? '' Knox said in my ear. His hot breath fanning across my skin making it tingle.

He came back. For me.


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