Chapter 3

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Come on Carrie we haven't seen much of each other since we found out about prom.Ok, I after I finish my paper.We will do something together before we have to be at the school.He smiled at me an sat next to me.I had this really weird dream last night.Oh?Was I in it?Yea, it was the night of the prom.I walked into the gym an then when I walked up to you, you started laughing at me an pointing.I looked down an saw that my dress was torn in the front,and you could see my underwear an stuff.I laughed at you?I didnt help you?What a jerk.That's not a dream that's a nightmare.But,you know that won't happen cause I wouldn't laugh at you.I would help you.He leans an kisses me on the cheek."I love you with all my heart Carrie", he said."I love you", I say.No matter how much I hear that I still get butterflies in my stomach.

  I put my stuff on my night table an lean back into Scotty.I'm going to miss you when we go to college.Oh yea bout that......he turns me to face him.What?I'm going to Washington with you.What?!That's amazing!!I give him a hug and kiss him hard on the lips.You don't need to be sad anymore.Im gonna be with you,right by your side.Carrie I will never let anything happen to you.No matter what I'm going to stick with you.I won't leave you unless you want me to.I smile at him.I'm so Lucky to have you in my life.

   I love you, I never want you to leave.He smiles at me and presses his forehead against mine.He kisses me on the nose.I giggle in response.I pull him close.I want him as close to me as possible.I lean back until he was hovering over me.I play with his hair an me presses up against my body.His hands rubber up an down my thighs.He kisses the corner of my mouth all the way to my neck.I lean my head back an close my eyes.He moans into my neck,"Carrie you have a paper to write.I will not let you fail.He kisses me on last time then he moves off of me.Okay i say with a sigh.I lay my binder in ftont of me and get to work.Scotty is fast asleep next to me.I smile an move the hair from his face.By the time I look at the clock its 1:50.Hey come on we gotta go.I jump of the bed an grab keys and phone.Scotty we gotta go.He opens on eye an looks over at me.Just a few more minutes.No we gotta be there in less than 10 minutes.He moans an gets up an geos slowly out the room.Come on sleepy head.I get into my care an drive off with Scotty following close behind me.

  I'm gonna miss this place.Aren't you?I ask nudging Scotty with my arm.Yea,I am.But at least I get to take apart of high school with me.Huh?You,I get to take you with me.I roll my eyes at him.You are so corny!I know but you love it....right?Sometimes.I walk ahead of him into the school.Wait sometimes?Yea.I walk over to a table with a sign saying "Please clean out your lockers!It's not our job!"  -janitors

I grab a trash bag off the table an head to my locker.My pretty sure my locker is the most unorganized locker in the entire school.As I open my locker my litature book and my trigonometry book falls out with a loud bang.

   Here let me help you with that.This boy with dark brown hair with a venue an glasses on comes over an picks up my books.Thank you.What's your name? Styles,I'm a senior.I haven't seen you around here before.I just moved here from Georgia.Just in time for graduation. Ha yea.Why did you move here if you don't mind me asking.I Uh got into trouble back in Georgia,so my parents decided to move me here.I know how that feels I've been there.Really?Yes,don't worry your not a juvenile deliquent.Hey are you gonna help with with the prom?Yea,right after I take this to my car.Oh,let me help you.So when did you move here?Yesterday.But,Why make you move a week before graduation?Because the school wont let me get my diploma cause I got into trouble there.Ohh.Yea so they moved me here so I can graduate at the right time. Oh that makes sence. I'll introduce you to everyone.The gym didn't even look like our old gym.It had a hudge disco ball up in the center of the room with rows of lights came from the center all the way to the coners of the gym.They had speakers spread through out the gym.Becky and Kassy were in the center of the gym putting together the slide show."Hey guys",I say as we sit down next to them.Hey do you think we should out in the pictures of the time at the rabbit show?Yea,make sure I'm in most of them.Your so conceded Carrie.No I'm not,if I was conceded I would be over there with the selfie freaks.Carrie you take alot of selfies.Kasy says with a obvious tone.But,not in front of people.

  Man!!Stupid computer!I'm gonna throw it across the gym.Wait wait.It's not the computers fault. Let me see.I stretch out my hand receiving the computer.I repell against technology. Only because you dont understand it.What the he'll did you do to this slideshow?I tried to get her to let me do it.Your going to have to redo all of it.Do you mind if I do it?I mean I am going to be at this prom.We look over at Styles.He speaks!Becy declares with her arms stretched wide.I'm soooo sorry!!Guys this is Styles.He just moved her from Georgia. Really? I heard that there's a lot of country guys there. Says Kassy as she leans in with a interested tone.Uh,depends were you go.

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