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Lucy awoke early, really early. At four twenty-seven in the morning she was down in the kitchen eating a muffin, shivering in her chair. Lucy had spent most of the spring in captivity and all of summer in a hospital bed, the days were getting colder by the hour yet Lucy refused to wear anything but the T-shirt Lockwood had given her and pajamas pants.

She picked at the muffin for almost a half an hour, she had been having trouble eating lately. In the hospital, she could eat and eat and never get full but lately, all foods just seemed unappealing to her. She went downstairs and decided to check their equipment, she took stock and then even organized it all. Then she went into the practice room and decided to clean and polish her rapier, and then Lockwood's, and George's.

She went to her desk, layers of dust covered it. With a sigh, she turned back around and headed for the practice room once more. Picking up her rapier she went to their practice dummy Floating Joe and started carelessly slicing his stomach, after a few minutes Lucy's chest tightened as her rapier began to move slower.

Her vision blurred as she dropped her rapier, her throat swelled and she began choking, staring up at Floating Joe she saw the face of her kidnapper. His matted black hair that stuck to his face like tape, that toothless grin he showed her every day as his son beat her within an inch of her life. Those silent, dead grey eyes that pierced her soul. Gasping for air she stumbled back, tripping over her own weapon she careened into the wall passing out upon hitting her head against it.

Lockwood ruffled his hair as he sat up in bed checking the digital clock on his dresser he read 8:32. Still, in his pajamas, he crawled out of bed and up to Lucy's room, since she had gotten home Lockwood checked her room every morning. Most days she was either still asleep or just waking up, one time he opened the door to find her changing. Lucky for him she didn't notice when he quickly shut it and ran away from embarrassment.

He frowned when he didn't see her laying in her bed that morning. Walking down the stairs he tightened the blue robe he was wearing, hiding from the autumn chill.

"Morning Lockwood." George greeted him. "Do you know where this partially eaten muffin came from by any chance?" Lockwood shrugged grabbing a donut off a plate on the table and poured himself a cup of orange juice.

"Do you know where Lucy is? She's missing breakfast."

"Probably still asleep."

"No, I checked her room already."

"She must just be going to the bathroom. Stop worrying so much." Lockwood nodded and they silently ate breakfast. After a few minutes of waiting for Lucy, Lockwood stood and ran upstairs calling for Lucy, he checked her room, his room, and even George's room.

Running about the house he called for Lucy with no response. Throwing open the door to the offices he stumbled down the stairs. Gasping he ran to Lucy who still lay unconscious on the floor.

"George! Bring some bandages and water!"

Lockwood took off his robe, rolled it up and put it under Lucy's head waiting for George.

Her hair was damp with blood, lifting Lucy's head and the robe he set her head on his lap until he was able to wash off the wound and wrap a bandage around her head.

Lockwood and George sat there with her until the doorbell rang.

"Oh great. That must be our client and I'm not even dressed." Lockwood complained. "Go upstairs and distract them at the door, I'll bring Lucy to my room." George couldn't help a smile.

"Sounds like a plan." He patted Lockwood on the shoulder. "Oh, you weirdos." He got up and headed to the stairs.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Lockwood picked up Lucy carefully, setting her head on his shoulder. Her bleeding had gone down substantially, there was barely any blood on the bandages now.

"We're not weird, right Lucy?" He asked carrying her up the stairs and through the kitchen. "We're just co-workers and good friends. We have to be friends in order for us to work well right? George is the weird one." Lockwood nudged open his bedroom door and carefully set Lucy on his bed, he fluffed the pillows and made sure she was comfortable.

Then grabbing clothes from his drawer he began to get dressed. Meanwhile downstairs George took the client into the sitting room and offered her a cup of tea.

"I'm so sorry my co-workers aren't down here right now. You see, Lucy Carlyle, one of the agents here was kidnapped while on a case a few months ago. Unfortunately, she was injured greatly and is still recovering. Right now Lockwood is making sure she is all right."

"Oh how awful, you poor children being forced into dangerous situations like that." The woman wiped away a tear.

"I think I should pay you double if you take my case, sounds like you need it. That poor girl." George thanked her and began asking her the questions that Lockwood normally asked.

Back upstairs Lucy gasped into consciousness, she sat up and felt the back of her head. Blinking away the pain she looked over to see a shirtless Lockwood standing just at the foot of the bed, his pajama bottoms falling down his hips.

"Lockwood?" She squeaked out, once again her face began to heat up.

"Oh, Lucy." Lockwood quickly pulled his bottoms up and walked over to her. "What happened to you? How do you feel?" He checked the back of her head.

"I don't remember. I just remember falling. And my head hurts." Lucy lied, she didn't want to tell Lockwood what had happened. She didn't want to look weak, that just wasn't her, then again she had been the one who had been helplessly beaten daily. Lucy choked back tears.

"Is it okay if I leave you here for a bit? We have a client waiting downstairs." Lockwood grabbed a shirt and a pair of pants.

"You want me to stay here?"

"Well yeah, you're hurt, you need to rest." Lucy brang her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on them.

"Okay yeah. Go to it then. Make sure you put on a shirt first though, I don't think being shirtless will make a good first impression. Or it might just get us the job, depending on our client." Lockwood laughed.

"I see your fall didn't affect your quick mind." He disappeared into his closet for a few minutes and came out dressed. "I'll be right back up once we're done downstairs." With that, he left.

Lucy laid down, pulled Lockwood's blanket over her, and closed her eyes. His blanket smelt sweet and comforting, it smelt like him.

"Hello there. You must be Mr. Lockwood." The client said shaking his hand. "Where's the girl, Lucy?"

"Miss Fisher offered to pay us double in light of what happened to Lucy." George explained.

Lockwood smiled. "You're so generous. Thank you. Lucy is resting upstairs."

"Can I meet her?"

"Uh. I'll ask if she feels up to it." Running back upstairs Lockwood talked to Lucy who was happy to join them. The woman gasped upon seeing her.

"Oh you poor dear, is your head all right?"

"I just fell into a wall." Lucy wished she had stayed in Lockwoods room, it was warm and cozy in there.

"Let me see that, I'm a nurse after all." Miss Fisher washed off Lucy's wound and declared that it was just a scratch and it didn't need such extreme bandaging. After embarrassing and coddling Lucy like she was a toddler who had scrapped up their knee she finally sat down and explained her case.

"We will take the case, Miss Fisher." Lockwood announced after she had finished. "When would you like us to investigate? It's only one o'clock, we could probably investigate tonight if you'd like."

"Oh wonderful, tonight is perfect." The lady shook Lockwood and George's hand and hugged Lucy.

"Don't strain yourself little one." She carefully stroked Lucy head. "You should stay home and rest after what happened last time you went investigating. I wouldn't mind if just the boys came to investigate."

She turned to Lockwood.

"I'll be staying with my mother tonight, I'll leave my house door unlocked. Thank you for taking my case. Goodbye now. Take care dear Lucy."

Lucy rolled her eyes as the lady left.

The Pain Within (Sequel To 'Trapped Without You')Where stories live. Discover now