Think of Them as Vitamins

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"So Mary. Do you have any Talent?" George asked as he lathered jam onto his third piece of toast.

"Not really. I had just enough Sight to be a night watcher for a few months, but Lucy's the only one in the family good enough to be an agent." Mary poured herself another glass of orange juice. She, like Lucy, was wearing sweat pants and an old t-shirt. Her hair had been brushed and put into two braids hanging down her shoulders, Lucy's short hair still messy.

"Lucy is more than good enough. She has amazingly strong talents that are growing with each case." Lockwood winked at Lucy. She however was far to busy staring out the window to notice, Mary giggled, George rolled his eyes.

"So what do you do if your not an agent?" Lockwood asked.

"I took mothers place doing laundry all day but I go to a night school too, I want to get a good job I can do my whole life. If I ever stop providing for mother that is." Mary couldn't help a small sigh.

"Mums not working anymore?"

"Yeah after you left she just stopped going to work, she spends all her time watching television. So me and most of our sisters stay home to take care of her." Lucy didn't respond, Lockwood couldn't tell how she felt about that information, she had practically perfected a poker face.

Breakfast was eaten in silence after that, once everyone had finished, Lucy out of habit cleaned the table and washed the dishes. Then went upstairs to get dressed, her sister followed.

"I like Mary. She's nice." George took off his glasses and wiped them on his shirt. "Certainly more nice than her sister." Lockwood let out a small laugh. Upstairs Lucy and Mary talked while they got dressed.

"Anthony, or is it Lockwood, whichever, is really quite cute. George is funny, I can tell you guys don't get along all that well though."

"You do realize Lockwood is my boss, why do you have to say things like that?" Lucy brushed through her hair, Mary sat next to her on her bed grabbed the brush and began playing with her hair.

"You've always been so oblivious, little sister." Mary patted her on the head, Lucy rolled her eyes.

"What are the plans for the day?" Mary asked bouncing into the kitchen, Lucy trailing behind. George who was bent over a table placing color-coded dots on a map shrugged.

"Any clients today?" Lucy asked with a hint of bitterness.

"Oh, we did have one but we can cancel so we can spend the day entertaining Mary."

"So you can cancel work for my pretty older sister but not me?" Lucy muttered.

"What's that suppose to mean?" George asked glaring up at her as she crossed her arms.

"I haven't talked to you both in weeks! You're always gone, I'm always alone. I'm" Lucy began breathing fast, her eyes shut as she fell backward.

"Lucy! What's happening, Lucy can you hear me!" Mary rushed to Lucy, Lockwood, and George behind her.

"I think she fainted. Do we call an ambulance?" Lockwood asked.

"Wait, I know what to do." Mary rolled Lucy onto her side. "A guy I work with faints all the time, has Lucy ever fainted before?"

"Only once or twice when she hits her head." George knelt down by Mary. "What now?"

"If she doesn't wake up within two minutes we need to call for an ambulance." Mary brushed hair out of Lucy's face, Mary's hand shaking. Lucy had always been a strong girl, but she was Mary's baby sister and seeing her in such a state was nerve-wracking. George could tell, he put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her, Lockwood behind them was pacing.

"It's been three full minutes Mary, I'm calling an ambulance right now!" Lockwood's face was pale and his eyes wild, he called paramedics and paced waiting for them. Once there the paramedics examined Lucy.

"This girl looks malnourished and abused." One man said.

"Irregular heartbeat." Noted another as they prepared to take Lucy to the hospital. Lockwood, George, and Mary followed behind, at the hospital only Mary was allowed in the room until Lucy woke. Once awake, a doctor examined Lucy and asked what had happened, Lucy explained what she had felt while the doctor took notes.

"Mary is it? Could you come outside with me so I can talk to you and her roommates together." Mary nodded.

"Is she okay?" Both boys asked the moment the door to her room opened.

"Unfortunately not. I believe she is suffering PTSD and with it she is experiencing depression and anxiety. She is also malnourished and has abnormally high blood pressure for such a young girl."

"You should make sure she is eating enough at each meal and avoid high-stress situations. I will prescribe antidepressants for her, she'll take one pill a day if she takes it in the morning have her keep taking it in the morning, or you can have her take it every night just so long as it's consistent. After a week bring her back and we'll see if the pills are helping her at all."

The doctor handed Mary papers then turned into Lucy room and told her what he had told them. George and Mary took Lucy home while Lockwood went to get her prescription.

Once at home Lockwood silently set the bottle of pills on the coffee table in front of Lucy.

"Lockwood?" She looked up at him. "Pills? Seriously?"

"Just take one a day." Lockwood rushed out of the room.

"Think of them as vitamins," George added pouring her a glass of Ginger Ale, placing it next to the bottle.

"I don't need them!" Lucy screamed to his back as the door shut, her face a surprising pale color.

"Lil' Lucy, it's okay." Mary rubbed her sisters back she talked in a hushed voice, the way she had to Lucy when she was a baby.

"They'll help make you happier, they'll get rid of the delusions you keep having and the nightmares." Mary opened the bottle took a pill in the palm of her hand and offered it to Lucy.

Tears twinkling in Lucy's eyes she slapped away the pill and sent the open bottle flying across the room, without thinking she darted out, leaving a trail of open doors leading outside.

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